Daily Archives: September 4th, 2013

What is your game plan?

A lot of us can relate to sports and sporting events.  We love to see our favorite teams win.  We like to imagine what it would be like to be rich and famous and loved by the crowd.  We sometimes forget the countless hours of practice that went into that game being played.  We sometime forget about how much time was spent on training and coaching those athletes.  We also forget about all the planning that goes into this big sporting events.  At many levels people have a game plan that will go a long way in determining their success level.  Then after the event is over we go home to our daily life unchanged.

So today I ask you.  “What is your game plan?”  What are you going to do today to prepare for tomorrow?  What are you going to do to increase your chance of success?  Now listen, just like every sport is different and every sport requires different skill sets and training; we also require different game plans.  Depending on your dreams, your goals, where you are starting from and where you want to finish; we each require a different game plan.  Now there can be similarities in our game plans, but we all need a game plan.  We all need to look at where we are right now, and where we want to be tomorrow; and start making some sort of plan to get there.

Let’s start over.  We all understand that no Athlete just walks out their and becomes a professional without practice.  We understand the teams do not become successful without coaching and training.  We also understand that Stadiums and Arenas where Professional Sports are contested do not fall out of the sky.  Each of these things takes planning.  So again I ask, “What is your game plan?”

What are you doing today to give your self a better chance of winning tomorrow?  What are you practicing?  What books are you reading?  Who’s advice do you take at face value?  I have heard it said many times that failure to plan is planning to fail.  So what is your plan?

Now your plan may not be my plan.  Your plan may not include blogging or writing songs or speaking in public.  Your plan may be to open a restaurant or to start a construction company.  I only hope and pray that you have a plan.  Again, all of our plans will be different depending on our goals, our dreams, where we start and where we want to finish; but are plans can all have common elements.  Let me explain.

The 1st Step is to follow your dreams.  Figure out what makes you happy and try to build on it.  Hopefully your happiness does not cause harm to others.  If it does, maybe you should rethink your dream.  2nd Step is to try.  It is OK to fail at this stage, just try to find out where you fit in to your dream.  Carve out a little bit of time and get active.  3rd Step is to learn as much as you can from people who are successful at what you want to be doing.  This may require reading books, or listening to audio recordings or watching instructional videos.  It is your dream; learn the right way to chase it.  4th Step is to make up your mind to not give up on your dream.  Chip away a little at a time.  The 5th Step, get around people who are heading in the same direction you are heading.  There is strength in numbers.

You see the one thing we all have in common is that we all have to figure it out for ourselves.  No one can hand you your dream on a silver platter.  Yes, some of us can be born rich or born into fame, but for the rest of us; we can either watch others live out our dream or we can find out where we fit into our dream.

What is your game plan?