God’s Love is Unconditional.

God’s Love is Unconditional.

The rest of us all fall short.

Now we have 3 options of how we can react to this reality.

1:  We can act as if we also love unconditionally.

2:  We can admit we fall short and try to do better.

3:  We can say that unconditional love is impossible and do nothing.

For me the choice is clear.  I fall short and I should try to do better.  I can admit that I get angry and then I can not react but I can learn from what makes me angry and ask myself “If God can forgive me without judgment, why can’t I do the same?”

God challenged us to love our enemies, not to judge them.  The first step in learning is admitting when you do not know something and then submit yourself to the wisdom of the ages.  I admit I fall short, I hope I can do better in the future;  or I can deny I fall short, or I can give up and do nothing.

For me the choice is clear. 

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