Monthly Archives: January, 2015

Hospital, Hotel or Home:

Hospital, Hotel or Home:

Where would your rather be, in the nicest hospital, in an ok hotel or at home? I say to you home is where the heart is, hotels are ok for getaways but I would never choose the hospital unless my life literally depended on it. Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. You may wonder why I am writing this blog post. I say, never treat a Hospital like it is a Hotel and never treat a Hotel like it is Home.

Home is where the heart is: Even though you may get tired of the same old routine. Over the long haul there is no place like home. I have spent my share of nights in hotels traveling for work, or taking a short getaway; but there is no place like home. I try to avoid treating hotels like home. Hotels are a place to stay when I travel for work, but I usually can’t wait to get back home. I sleep better at home than on the road. Hotels are great for short getaways but they are not home.

Hospitals are great in a matter of life and death. I have been in some nice hospitals to visit relatives, but I have never been comfortable there no matter how nice they were. I hope I never have to stay long in hospital again. I stayed overnight once or twice as a kid; but as an adult I have never had to stay over-night in a hospital. Again, I have seen some very nice hospitals, but I would never aspire to treat a hospital like a hotel. Hospitals are a place to get healed and then get home. Hotels are great for a getaway, but again never treat a hotel like home either.

Home may seem like a nothing special when you go their everyday, but after a few days away; you will long to get back there. I have been on the road for work a few days to a couple of weeks at a time. I have woken up in the middle of the night not knowing where I was at the time. After a while it just kind of grinds on you, being away from home. Home may not seem like anything special day in and day out, but you will miss it when you have gone away for a while.

Never treat a Hospital like a Hotel and never treat a Hotel like Home. Give each the respect they deserve. Go to a Hospital to get healed. Go to a Hotel to Recharge, but remember Home is the place where you will feel safe and secure over the long haul. Home is where the heart is, put your heart into your home!

You can’t start if you don’t finish:

You can’t start if you don’t finish:

Wait did you read that correctly?  Yes you did.  You can’t start if you don’t finish!  Welcome to 60 Seconds Of Motivational Mojo where sometimes I spin things around and sometimes they still make sense.  Sometimes things just work out.  So today I by mistake took a saying I had said a thousand times before; “You can’t finish if you don’t start” and said it backwards yet it still made sense.  The meaning was still transmitted and received.  You can’t start if you don’t finish.

So today, it became more than just a saying by accident, it also becomes a blog post.  You can’t start if you don’t finish.  Most of us have looked for a fresh start or a clean break at least once in our lives.   Most of us will switch jobs or move into a new house or want to do something different.  Most of us will need to change with the times.  So for us to change and for us to find a new start, sometimes we need to finish what we are doing.

If you want a new life, then you need to get rid of your old life.  You will have to make a choice to let go of something so you can start something new.  Let’s say you smoke too much, drink too much, and party too hard.  If you really want a fresh start, do you think you can get a fresh start without changing your habits and choosing new friends?  If you want a fresh start, you are going to finish something.

You can’t start if you don’t finish:

So let’s say you want a start a new career, but you need to finish college first.  Well make up your mind to finish college.  Let’s say you want to start a new company, but you need to pay-off some bills and quit your old job.  Then you need to finish, payoff the bills and make up your mind to commit to the company you want to start.  You have 24 hours in your day; you need to sleep for 8 of them.  That leaves 16 hours.  You more than likely will need at least 4 hours to take care of day-to-day things for yourself.  That leaves 12 hours.  If you are working 12 hours a day, it does not leave much time to do anything else does it?  Step one is figuring out what has to stay and what can go.  Step two is clearing out room for the new which means finishing something, letting something go.  Finish so you can start.

I am not telling you to burn bridges.  I am not telling you to up a quit.  I am saying finish.  Don’t wait around for things to fall into place.  Make up your mind to get it done so you can start fresh.

You can’t finish if you never start; and you can’t start if you never finish.  Don’t let things just linger on, bring them to a close.  So make up your mind to finish.  You can do it, you got yourself into whatever is taking up your time, figure out a way to get out.  You may need to make new friends, it may mean letting go of some old friends, or maybe spending less time with them.  You may need to learn something new, which may mean less killing time doing the same old things.  Finish the old so you can start the new.  Finish so you can start!

Thank you for seeing my intentions:

Thank you for seeing past my typos. I do not have a proof reader or an editor. I just blog my thoughts, save them as drafts and sometimes I come back and re-read them before publishing them. My intention is to create a steady stream of positive observations and provide the kind of advice that I can live by. I hope to be able to motivate people to chase their dreams. I told myself that if I only motivated one person it would be enough; even if that one person was only me.

So here I am three years later, still making typos. Still catching some of them when I spell check, catching some when I proof read my drafts and hit “Publish:” and catching some after they have been published and I look back on them even years later. But it is not the typos or the amount of views and reposts and forwards, it is then intention: Get up and chase your dreams and learn by doing and get around people you can trust who are heading in the same direction that you want to go. That is what keeps me typing, that is what keeps me posting, that is what keeps me learning about myself by examining my thoughts and observations.

So I am not rich or famous but I have been viewed in over 100 countries around the world. I have a bunch of posts that have crossed the magic 100 view-point, I have found that some post have be viewed over a 1000 times and some of my favorite post have one been viewed once, (that was probably me looking at my own post) But if just one person finds some inspiration then it is all worth it.

Thanks again for seeing what I mean to say even if I am not so effective and elegant at saying it. Maybe my vocabulary is not as large as some other bloggers. Maybe my Social Media Reach is not as vast, but I am still here plugging away. No money comes in from this site, no charge to view it either. You know what they say about free advice anyway. So my only reward is to try to give the advice that I try to live. That is the only real reward anyway; to be true to your-self, so I have to be true to myself.

So thank you again. I cannot say thank you enough. I have probably learned more than I have taught, but I try to speak from the heart. If I have wronged you or offended you I am sorry.  If I can help make the world a better place, then this was all worth it. So get out there and chases your dreams, but do your homework, look before you leap and learn from your mistakes. One day it will all make sense, one day this blog will be polished to near perfection. Until then thank you for seeing my intention.

Stop saying you are sick and start saying you are healed.

You are not sick. Stop saying you have sickness. You have been given the power of healing. Start saying you have the power to be healed. Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. I have a new take on a very old concept. Stop saying you are sick or have sickness and start saying that you are healed.

How many times have you heard someone say they have a cold or they have the flu; but how often do you hear someone say they have the power to defeat a cold or they have victory over the flu. Most of the time people claim to have sickness instead of claiming to have healing power. It is rare for people to acknowledge they have healing power and it is even more rare that people give credit to God who gave them the healing power in the first place. Now maybe you don’t believe in God. I hope I do not offend you by saying that I believe.

No longer will I say I am sick, I will say I am healed. Yes, I pick up little injuries and there are times that I am run down, but I am done claiming sickness or injury. My claim is from here on out is to be thankful for the healing power that I have been given. I do not have bad knees or a bad back, I am in battle with bad knees or a bad back and I am thankful for the healing that allows me to defeat any injury I may be recovering from at the time. I know first-hand that the power of prayer works. Doctors are saying time and time again that Prayer Works. So maybe it is time for you to start believing in the power of prayer, even if you don’t understand it yet.

I will never say I have cancer. I will say I have the power to defeat cancer and I am thankful to God who gave me the power in the first place. I will never say I have arthritis. I will say I have the power to defeat arthritis and I am thankful to God who has kept me healed and strong. I will never say I have an injury. I will say that I am re-habbing and have victory over an injury and I am thankful to God for the victory.

I believe in Seed-Time and Harvest. I believe you should dig your well before you need water. I believe what comes around goes around. So, I would tell you to pray for others before you wind up in a situation where you need prayer. I have sown many a seed of motivation and consultation to others. When I needed and asked for prayer, many people where there for me. I say give praise and thanks to God before you need God to heal you and stand in the gap for you.

Stop claiming that you are sick. Start claiming that you are healed. You do not have a cold, or the flu or a bad back, or a bad knee. You do not have cancer, or a stroke, or any other sickness. You have been given the power to be healed. Claim it every day. You must start saying that you have the power of healing over any sickness or injury that attacks you; and then thank God for that healing. Now I am not saying stop going to the doctor or stop taking you medicine. No, I am saying start building yourself up to fight the good fight and defeat any sickness that may attack you.

Form a new habit now. Start saying it when you are feeling on top of your game. Start saying it over the small things. Build yourself up so that you have the faith and confidence to trust God will bring you through anything that may attack you. I am sorry if this post sounds overly preachy. Actually I am not sorry. I am proud to say that I am strong and I am healed and I will rehab over any injury and I will have victory of over sickness that may attack me; and I am thankful to God who has given me the healing power.

Think, Learn, Grow and Know.

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo.  This is where I ponder my observations and give the only advice that I think is worth it; the kind of advice that I aspire to follow.  So today’s Topic:  Think, Learn, Grow and Know.

Ever watched someone dunk a basketball?  I have seen it many times.  Usually when someone learns to dunk a basketball they started when they were young, playing on courts with baskets at heights lower than in the Professional leagues.  They run, they jump and they shoot.  They practice, they think about dunking, they learn the game, they study the game and they grow over time.  The lucky ones who grow tall enough and the harder working ones who continue to jump and jump and jump until they develop the power, the ones who never give up; those are the ones who one day dunk that basketball.  They think about it, they learn about it and they grow.  I have never dunked a basketball, it was never something I spent a lot of time trying to do; but those who have know first-hand what it feels like to dunk a basketball.

So maybe you do not want to dunk a basketball, maybe you have a different dream.  The first step is to think about it.  But I warn you thinking about it is only the first step.  The next step is to learn about it.  This is a very important step.  Sometimes people think they know something and they never double-check the facts.  Once you think about something it is important to learn more aboout it.  Find out the facts.

I always dreamed about being a musician.  I would dream about it and think about what I would do if I bought a Drum Set, or a Guitar or a Bass Guitar.  I saved my money and I bought a Bass Guitar.  I learned to play on a Small Scale Bass.  I learned and as I got better I played with Bands where we would practice.  We could not play all that well, we had to grow as musicians to get better.  We had to think about what we wanted to play, we had to learn the songs separately and then grow together to be able to play the song as a band.  Some songs worked and some didn’t.  We had to think, learn and grow before we knew what worked.  To really know something you need to think about it, learn about it, and then grow into it.

Lots of kids have dreamed about being Professional Athletes and Professional Entertainers but not everyone knows what it feels like to make it to the big time.  I have never made it to the big time, but I have done pretty well on the smaller scale.  Once you have played on stage with a few different bands, you know more than the people who never got out and tried.  Dreaming about it and thinking about it are not enough.  You have to learn about it and grow into to it to really know something.

I am here to tell you that your dreams are possible.  I am here to tell you to take these four simple steps.  Think, Learn, Grow and Know.  To really know something, these are the steps you have to take.  I have been blogging for three years now.  Three years of learning by doing.  Three years of thinking about what I wanted to type and post.  Three years of losing posts that I thought about but did not get a chance to type in because I was busy doing other things.  I learned that sometimes you just have to take notes and make a list of possible blog titles.  I learned you have to make the time to type in what you are thinking about.  I learned that I had to grow as an Author.  So I am learning and growing each time that I post to my blog.  I think about it, learn about it, and I have grown into blogging; so now I know what it takes to post on a regular basis.  I still have more to learn, I still have more growing to do; but to truly know something, I must put my time in.

Think, Learn, Grow and Know.  So I have spent a great deal of my life either making music or DJ’ing.  I have spent a lot of my life in front of a crowd.  I have also spent a lot of time working out, learning and growing.  We are at our best when we think, we learn and we allow ourselves to grow into what we want to become.  We have to grow to truly know the things we want to learn.  I have learned that to continue to grow there are things I need to teach others.  I have heard the famous quote, if you can’t explain something in simple terms you don’t know it well enough.  I have learned that teaching, coaching and mentoring help your knowledge grow deeper.  Teaching others means you have to relate to people on many different levels.  People learn in different ways.  The best way to teach is to listen to the questions and feedback that your students are giving you.  The best way to coach and mentor is to set a good example, demonstrate and then watch and listen to those you are coaching.  The way to teach is to keep learning.  The best way to teach is to keep growing.

Think, Learn, Grow and Know!  I have watched many people dunk a basketball.  I have thought about it and I have learned about it, but I have never done it.  I do not know what it is like to dunk a basketball.  I have played many different instruments and many styles of music.  I had to think about them, learn about each instrument and style of music; and I had to grow as a musician.  To really know what it took to play them and to know what it feels like to play onstage in front of people; I had to think and learn and grow.

I think this is inside all of us.  I believe that all of us can learn and grow.  This is why I am learning to be a better leader, coach and mentor.  I can learn and grow by helping others learn and grow.  I can know more by helping others know more.  That is what leadership is all about, serving others so they can know for themselves.  Think, Learn, Grow and Know!

Learn to Teach and Teach To Learn.

Learn to Teach and Teach To Learn.

Do you know what the difference between a Champion and a Master? A Champion is the Best at something. A Master teaches a Champion to be the Best. Not all Champions are Good Teachers, and Not all Masters are Champions; but All Masters are Great Teachers.

Learn To Teach and Teach To Learn.

I have learned to learn by doing. I have also learned to learn faster it is wise to accept coaching and mentoring. I have also learned that you can learn from teaching. If you can teach with an open mind, you can learn through the eyes of your students. I have learned that when you teach with an open mind, you will prepare your thoughts and you will learn that people process information in different ways. Some people are very visual. Some are very auditory. Some are very hands on. Some people are very literal and some are very figurative. You may learn new ways of doing something you have known for years. You may have gotten used to doing things one or two ways, and by teaching with an open mind you may learn 1 or 2 or 5 or 10 new ways to do things.

Learn To Teach and Teach To Learn.

I have looked back over things I have tried to do in the past. When I was a Good Leader, things went better than when I was a Not So Good Leader. A Good Leader is Open Minded, learns from others and teaches what they learn. A Not So Good Leader is Close Minded, does not listen to others and does not share a teach a common vision. So I have challenged myself to learn to become a better teacher. I have challenged myself to learn from other people’s points of view.

Learn To Teach and Teach To Learn.

So this post does not have to be a long post. Either you agree with where I am going or you don’t. The best teachers I have influenced by were really good at doing and really good at teaching. I am convinced there is something to that. Do you remember your favorite teachers, what did they do that left an impression on you? Can you leave that same impression on others?

Learn To Teach and Teach To Learn.