Category Archives: Cryptography

The 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo Top 40 Countdown.

The 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo Top 40 Countdown.

Over 3 years of Blogging; To celebrate 400 Posts I have decided to do a Top 40 Countdown.  The Top 40 most viewed Mojo Posts.  I have tried time and time again to figure this blogging out.  I have not been able to just post and get a ton of view because of keywords or phrases.  I have also taken a look at the amount of spam that is automatically blocked by WordPress, still I can find no patterns.  The people have spoken, these are the posts the people have viewed the most:

40 Help me, help you. 0.57%
39 Good, Fast and Cheap; Pick Two! 0.58%
38 Seven Easy Steps to Success: Dream, Ponder, Speak, Act, Practice, Improve, Succeed 0.60%
37 You can lead a leader to leadership but you can’t make them lead. 0.62%
36 7H15 7R4N5M15510N 15 C0M1N6 70 Y0U, 3NC0D3D. 0.66%
35 I am thankful everyday. 0.66%
34 Set my course to North by North East. 0.67%
33 I will not host your pity party. 0.74%
32 Honest Arrogance versus False Humility. 0.79%
31 The Five E-s of Leadership: 0.80%
30 My Super Secret Mystic Magic Formula for Success: 0.86%
29 Today is my day. 0.89%
28 Stop trying to carry the load of others all by yourself. 0.90%
27 PR4C71C3 M4K35 H4RD 7H1N65 345Y. 0.90%
26 Fear, Excuses, Faith and Results: 0.95%
25 Maximum Muscle Madness – The Road Warrior Workout: 0.98%
24 To be the best, learn from the best. 1.10%
23 Fight the battle with the confidence that you have already won! 1.13%
22 The truth that hurts versus the lie you want to hear. 1.22%
21 If you don’t do it, someone else will. 1.32%
20 The world is not fair, deal with it! 1.57%
19 The Seven Sigma Levels of Leadership: 1.75%
18 Lots of little things add up to big things. 1.82%
17 If no one has called you crazy, you are not trying hard enough. 1.90%
16 Thank you for being patient with me. 1.97%
15 The more connected we are, the more disconnected we become. 2.14%
14 Don’t let your mistakes define your future. 2.30%
13 We all love seeing the Underdog Win. 2.35%
12 Runners Log – June 14th 2012 2.46%
11 Maximum Awesomeness! 2.48%
10 Birds of a feather flock together. 2.58%
9 I am not proud of my failure, I am proud of trying again. 2.89%
8 T.R.U.S.T: 2.91%
7 Confidence, Determination and Will Power: 3.67%
6 Why the easy way out is the hardest and worse option. 4.71%
5 The Selfless Leader: 5.05%
4 Life is like a rollercoaster. The question is which hill do we tackle first? 5.56%
3 Why Teamwork sometimes doesn’t work. 5.68%
2 Maximum Muscle Madness 10.35%
1 Standing up for what you believe in is the right thing to do. 18.92%

So thank you for being a part of 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo:

Can you solve this?

Can you solve this? If B = 20 and Y = 52 and B + C = 40 and X + Y = 62 What does M + N = ??? Solve if you are the Proverbial Genius.

Can you solve this?

Can you solve this?

! + ! = @

@ + @ = $

# + # = ^

What does ! + # equal?

So what if told you ! times ! equals ! and that @ times @ equals $

Can you solve it now?

So if # + $ = &, what does $ + % equal?

Can you figure it out?

Have fun!

45 345Y 45 0N3, 7W0, 7HR33

45 345Y 45 0N3, 7W0, 7HR33

7H15 C0D3 15 N07H1N6 N3W.

17 H45 833N 80UNC1N6 4R0UND 7H3 1N73RN37 F0R 4 WH1L3 N0W.

17 15 4 51MPL3 L17MU5 7357 70 533 1F Y0UR M1ND 15 0P3N 0R CL053D.

17 15 45 345Y 45 0N3, 7W0, 7HR33

1F Y0U W1LL N07 4LL0W Y0UR53LF 70 533 7H15 51MPL3 C0D3, H0W W1LL Y0U 3V3R F1ND 7H3 7RU7H5 7H47 H4V3 833N H1DD3N 1N M0R3 C0MPL3X C0D35?

0P3N Y0U M1ND 70 N3W P055181L1735.

7H3 FU7UR3 15 N0W.

PR4C71C3 M4K35 H4RD 7H1N65 345Y.

7H15 M355463 15 3NC0D3D 1N 4 51MPL3 C0D3.  7H3 F1R57 71M3 Y0U R34D 7H15 M355463 Y0U M4Y N07 5P07 7H3 C0D3.  7H3 F1R57 71M3 Y0U R34D 7H15 17 M4Y L00K L1K3 R4ND0M NUM83R5 4ND L3773R5.

R34D 7H15 M355463 4 53C0ND 71M3 4ND 17 6375 34513R 70 5P07 7H3 P4773RN.  0R M4Y83 Y0U W1LL 637 FRU57R473D 4ND JU57 61V3 UP.  M4Y83 Y0U W4N7 3V3RY7H1N6 H4ND3D 70 Y0U 0N 4 51LV3R PL4773R.

N07 3V3RY0N3 W1LL JU57 H4ND Y0U 7H3 4N5W3R5 Y0U 4R3 L00K1N6 F0R.  50M371M35 Y0U H4V3 70 CR4CK 7H3 C0D3.  7H15 15 4 51MPL3 C0D3.  PR4C71C3 W1LL 0P3N Y0UR M1ND 70 N3W W0RLD5.

W3LC0M3 70 7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.

4 V3RY 51MPL3 C0D3:

4 V3RY 51MPL3 C0D3:

7H15 M355463 15 WR1773N 1N 4 V3RY 51MPL3 C0D3.

17 0NLY 53RV35 0N3 PURP053, 70 0P3N Y0UR 3Y35.

Y0U W1LL 83 48L3 70 F16UR3 7H15 C0D3 0U7 1F Y0U W1LL R3L4X Y0UR M1ND 4ND L37 Y0UR P3RC3P710N CH4N63 3V3R 50 5L16H7Y.

W3LC0M3 70 7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.

4 V3RY 51MPL3 C0D3 1ND33D:



CH4LL3N63 Y0UR53LF 70 533 7H1N65 1N 4 N3W W4Y.

7H3 W0RLD 15 63771N6 5M4LL3R, 4ND F4573R 7H4NK5 70 7H3 3NDL355 FL0W 0F 1NF0RM4710N.

Y0U 4R3 601N6 70 H4V3 70 R153 480V3 7H3 57471C.

5H0ULD W3 M4K3 17 345Y F0R Y0U, 0R 5H0ULD Y0U 57R1V3 70 CH4N63.

7H15 M355463 15 7YP3D 1N 4 V3RY 51MPL3 C0D3. 1F Y0U C4N’7 R34D 17, Y0U 4R3 JU57 N07 7RY1N6.

W3LC0M3 70 CY83R5P4C3.

W3LC0M3 70 CY83R5P4C3.

 Y0U 4R3 L1V1N6 1N 7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.  WH47 Y0U 4R3 R34D1N6 H45 833N 5L1C3D, D1C3D, 74K3N 4P4R7 4ND PU7 84CK 70637H3R.

 7H15 M355463 15 3NC0D3D 1N70 4 V3RY 51MPL3 3NCRYP710N 7H47 4LL Y0U H4V3 70 D0 15 L00K 47 4ND Y0U W1LL 83 48L3 70 F16UR3 17 0U7.

 JU57 0P3N Y0UR M1ND.  7H3 M0R3 Y0U KN0W 7H3 M0R3 Y0U UND3R574ND.  7H15 8L06 15 D3D1C473D 70 M071V4710N.  7H15 M355463 15 PR00F 7H47 50M3 P30PL3 W1LL 74K3 4 M1NU73 70 L34RN 50M37H1N6 N3W, 4ND 07H3R5 W1LL 61V3 UP N0 M4773R H0W 51MPL3 7H3 745K 15, 51MPLY 83C4U53 7H3Y D0 N07 W4N7 70 L34RN 4NY7H1N6 N3W.

 H4V3 4 6R347 D4Y.  Y0UR FU7UR3 15 8R16H7.

7H15 7R4N5M15510N 15 C0M1N6 70 Y0U, 3NC0D3D.

7H15 7R4N5M15510N 15 C0M1N6 70 Y0U, 3NC0D3D.

7H15 M355463 15 C0D3D W17H 4 V3RY 51MPL3 CYPH3R.
17 15 50 51MPL3 Y0U C4N D3C0D3 7H15 M355463 W17H N07H1N6 M0R3 7H4N 4N 0P3N M1ND.

W3 4R3 L1V1N6 1N 4N 463 WH3R3 D474 15 C0N574N7LY FL0W1N6 4ND C0N574N7LY 4V41L48L3 F0R FR33 1F Y0U W4N7 70 F1ND 17. 4LL Y0U N33D 15 7H3 K3Y. 0P3N Y0UR M1ND 4ND Y0U C4N 83 537 FR33. K33P Y0UR M1ND CL053D 4ND Y0U W1LL R3M41N 1N 4N 1NV1518L3 PR1510N.

7H15 M3554663 15 0N3 5M4LL 573P F0R 4 M071V4710N4L H4CK L1K3 M3, 8U7 17 M4Y 83 4 614N7 L34P F0R 50M30N3 WH0 H45 N3V3R 74K3N 4 53C0ND L00K 47 D474, 1NF0RM4710N 4ND PR353N74710N.


7H15 7R4N5M15510N 15 C0M1N6 70 Y0U.
3ND 7R4N5M15510N

7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.

7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.
17’5 4 N3W D4WN, 17’5 4 N3W D4Y.
W3LC0M3 70 7H3 1NF0RM4710N 463.
W417 4 M1NU73 4ND L37 Y0U M1ND 74K3 7H15 1N, Y0U C4N D0 17.
R3L4X, 533 P457 7H3 08V10U5 4ND 533 7H3 P4773RN.
D0N’7 F0RC3 17, U53 7H3 F0RC3 4ND L37 Y0UR M1ND F16UR3 17 0U7.
Y0U 4R3 57R0N63R 7H4N Y0U 7H1NK.
W3LC0M3 70 7H3 FU7UR3, 7H3 FU7UR3 15 N0W.