Category Archives: Truth

30 minutes of quiet time

30 minutes

Can you find 30 minutes a day? Can you find 30 minutes where you just honestly clear your mind? Can you be still and listen, just listen? So many answers will come your way if you can.

Can you just find 30 minutes to find balance, to find answers, to just be very, very… quiet?

I try to find 30 minutes in the morning where I am just still. Maybe I go back to sleep for 30 minutes, but I usually just let my mind and my spirit work things out. Yeah, I believe in God and the Holy Spirit, and I believe we do a lot of talking, but we do not do enough listening. Just listen to what the spirit is telling you. Then live that day at 100%.

Work hard, work smart, rest hard, recover smart. Just find 30 minds a day to just clear out your mind and just be still and quiet and listen.

God’s Love is Unconditional.

God’s Love is Unconditional.

The rest of us all fall short.

Now we have 3 options of how we can react to this reality.

1:  We can act as if we also love unconditionally.

2:  We can admit we fall short and try to do better.

3:  We can say that unconditional love is impossible and do nothing.

For me the choice is clear.  I fall short and I should try to do better.  I can admit that I get angry and then I can not react but I can learn from what makes me angry and ask myself “If God can forgive me without judgment, why can’t I do the same?”

God challenged us to love our enemies, not to judge them.  The first step in learning is admitting when you do not know something and then submit yourself to the wisdom of the ages.  I admit I fall short, I hope I can do better in the future;  or I can deny I fall short, or I can give up and do nothing.

For me the choice is clear. 

If you want the best

If you want the best…

Give your best, bring out the best in others and expect the best in return.

If you want the best, give your best.  Do not ask of others what you will not do yourself.  I do not mean that you have to try to do everything.  I am saying do want you to do best, the best that you can do it.  Do not give half an effort then expect others to give you their best effort.  We are all good at different things, the only we way are better together is if everyone does what they do best at their best effort.  Give your best if you want the best.  It all comes around.

If you want the best, bring out the best in others.  Do you want others to do their best?  Do you make it hard for them to do what they do best because you expect them to do what you do the way you do it?  Again, we are all different; our differences are our strengths.  The only way the world changes is that someone tries something new, something that comes naturally to them in a different way.  Not your way or my way, but in a new way.  Do you help people become better at what they do or do you expect them to think, act and feel just like you?  If you want the best, bring out the best in others.  It all comes around.

If you want the best, expect the best in return.  Notice I am not saying hope for the best…. I am saying state it clearly for the record.  If you give others your best effort and you are helping them be their best, communicate the fact that you expect their best effort.  If you expect a half effort, you will get a half effort.  If people are trying to con you, you will get no effort.  Everyone thing happens one-step at a time, stop believing that an overnight success is the norm; it is the exception.  Good things take time and good effort; great things take time and great effort.  Make it easier on yourself, stop hoping for the best and start expecting the best; starting with the commitment and effort of everyone involved. If you want the best, expect the best in return.  It all comes around.

If you want the best, give your best; bring out the best in others and expect the best in return.  It all comes around.

If you think you can’t you are right.

If you think you can’t you are right.

If you think you cannot you are right, you can’t.  You are beaten.  You will not try.  This may not seem like a positive message to start the New Year, to start 2018; but give it a minute.  Let it sink in.

If you think you can’t you won’t try; but if you think you can, maybe you will.  Notice I said, “Maybe you will try.”  This new world of social media and big data has created cyber bubbles for everything.  The little engine that could is probably now an app for android.  Confidence is a great first step but confidence is not enough.  Will you actually try to do?

If you think you can’t you are right, you won’t.  If you think you can, maybe you will try; and if you try maybe you will learn.  You see learning is really the 1st step, but in this case, it is the second step.  Never stop learning and never stop trying.  If you keep trying and keep learning one day you may reach your goal, but you will be farther along than if you never try and you never learn.

So think you can and try and learn and keep trying and maybe one day you will.

But if you think you can’t, you won’t try so you will never will.  So if you think you can’t you are right!

Try, Learn, Try again!

Happy 2018

Change Why Me to…

Change “Why Me” and “Why Now” to

Why Not Me and Why Not Now!

It has to start somewhere; it has to start sometime.

Why not start here and now with you?



Stop waiting and start starting.

Stop waiting.  The time will never be perfect.  The right time is now.

Learn a little, do a little, learn a little more.

The time is now.  Start Starting.

Get around people you can trust.  You may have to watch from a distance.  Find out what is going on behind your back, but stay on target and stay on task.

Leave those who would do you harm behind.  Leave those who would hold you back behind.  Keep moving forward and get around people who are moving forward also.

Stop waiting and start starting.

There is no perfect time, there is no perfect place and there are no perfect people.

All of us have something to learn and something we can teach.  Get around people who will do both, learn and teach.  Get around people who will give and take, not around people who are all take and no give.

Stop waiting.  The time will never be perfect.  The right time is now.

Start Starting Now!



If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford

I agree with Henry Ford to a point.  It is hard to argue against one of the most successful business men in the history of the world, but let’s take another look at his quote.  If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  I 100% agree with if you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  If you think you can do a thing do a thing, may require a little more work than just thinking.

Thinking is the start.  Acting, learning, adjusting those are the much needed next steps.  If you are convinced, you can’t do a thing you are right.  But if you think you can but you never act, then you are wrong.  It is ok to be confident, but you also have to deliver.  Sink some energy and effort into what you think you can do, and prove it.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford created enough wealth for his children’s children and beyond.  By applying the assembly line to the automotive industry, Henry Ford helped shape the modern world.  Now, what is it that you think you can do?  Will you apply a little elbow grease and maybe invite others to join in; or will you sit back, wait for someone else to do it and then say “I told you so?”  Or will you sit back, say no one can do it and you will be right; until someone does it of course.  If you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  That will not stop others from trying though.

I have heard it said that the worst thing that can happen is that a small dream comes true.  I think the worst thing that can happen is someone else reaches your dream while you sit around and say that is impossible.  The beauty of it all is that I will not spoil many pity parties.  Those that are convinced they will never change the world, never will.  Then there are the rest of us.  The ones with something to prove.  Thinking we can is not enough.  Now we have to actually try.

The best is yet to come.

The best is yet to come.

It is more than a song.  It is a battle cry.  It is a way of life.

Where are you?  Can your life get better?  Of course, it can.  Do you have the attitude that your best days are behind you?  Well, let me tell you; you need new friends.  The best is yet to come and won’t it be fine?

It is more than a song; it is a battle cry!  You got to sing it to the top of your lungs if you have to!  Change your attitude.  Read a book or two.  Figure out a way to make things better.  Really, what do you have to lose?

Every day from today forward, when you look in the mirror say it.  The best is yet to come!  Forget about the good old days and focus on the good news days!  Look forward to today and look forward to tomorrow.

The best is yet to come.  It is more than a song, it is a battle cry; it is a way of life!  You have to change the way you think.  This is not about being high on anything other than life itself.  If you have to listen to every song with the title, “The best is yet to come!”  Put it on a CD or on a play list and listen to them over and over and over until you get this, then leave me a comment or two.

The best is yet to come.

It is more than a song.  It is a battle cry.  It is a way of life.

Life will always get in the way

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

If you let it.  So stand up and don’t let it!

Life will always get in the way.  Work, Family, Friends, everyone has something they need from you or want you to do for them.  But what are they doing for you?  Is it a two-way street or a one-way street?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

I get it, honestly, I do.  Think about a compass, if work is pulling North, Bills will pull you South, If family is pulling you East, friends will pull you West; and there you are caught in the middle getting streached to your limit.  Wouldn’t life be great if work, bills, family and friends were all pulling you in the same direction?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

So are you waiting for the perfect time to chase your dreams?  There will never be a perfect time.  Are you waiting for the perfect idea?  There will never be a perfect idea.  Are you waiting for the perfect place?  There will never be a perfect place! You will have to work at it; you have to start sometime, why not now?  You will have to start somewhere, why not here?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

So stand up and don’t let it!

Relax, recharge, refresh and rejuvenate

Relax, recharge, refresh and rejuvenate:  It is ok to take a day for recreation and re-creation, but then take a moment to give thanks for those who made our freedoms possible.

Give thanks that you are free, and then think twice about surpassing others freedoms.

Think twice about our holidays, and those who have served and sacrificed to protect them.

We all have to sacrifice to make a safe world where we can be free.  Life is not easy for most.  For most people life is painful.  The only way it gets better is if we work together.

Relax, recharge, refresh, and rejuvenate:  Then get back to work.  Get back to spreading the good news and helping others.  This world is what we make it.  This world has been ruled by might makes right and the rich make the rules.  History has been written by the winners, not the whiners.  What will history say about you?  Did you help others win or did you help others whine?

I am thankful that I am free to express my thoughts.  I am thankful that I am free to use my talents.  I am thankful that I can help others even if I can not help as many or as much as I would like.

I am recharged and ready to get back to work.  Get up and make your future the best it can be.  Help others become successful and you will become successful.  Make the world better for everyone and you will be rewarded with a better world for you.