Daily Archives: July 20th, 2014

Six Extra Pounds:

Six Extra Pounds:

Two Soft Three Pound Weights; Six Extra Pounds to carry while power walking.  It does not sound like much does it.  Trust me; try it before you pass judgment.  Today I say get out there and power walk while lifting light weights; I am going to call it Ultra Power Walking.  Six Extra Pounds make all the difference in the world.

Crawl, walk then run.  That is how we progress.  Well lately I am happy to power walk to lose a few pounds and lower my blood pressure and cholesterol.  So what exactly is Power Walking?  Somewhere between Walking and Jogging is Power Walking.  Walking with a purpose and a brisk pace, while I would power walk I would find myself stretching, raising my hands over my head or squeezing my hands together.  So I decided the point of power walking is to burn as many calories as possible and have fun along the way.  So why not get some hand grips and squeeze them while I Power Walk to increase my grip strength.  I will call that Super Power Walking.  I tried Super Power Walking a few times and found myself wanting more.

Six Extra Pounds; why not get some weights and work my arms and shoulders while I power walk?  Because this is not my first rodeo, I knew not to underestimate how fast light weights can get heavy when you are doing lots of repetitions or carrying them for a long time.  Six Extra Pounds, I found some Soft Three Pound Hand Weights and have taken them for a spin while Power Walking.  Ultra Power Walking, walking while lifting weights.  Now you may say that Three Pounds per hand, Six Extra Pounds does not seem like much; again I say, give it a try.  Five or Six Simple exercises can be done while walking, I tried Bicep Curls, Over Head Lifts, Tricep-Extensions, Should Shrugs, Shoulder Flys and Light Shadow Boxing.  10, 20 or 30 Repetitions per exercise while walking.  You really do not get a chance to rest, and you never let go of the weights.  I found myself sweating in record time, making me believe I was burning more calories.  I was not breaking any speed records with my Power Walking, but I could tell my heart was working harder than if I did not have those Six Extra Pounds.  I could feel my shoulders could never quite relax.  I had to continue to move through the different exercises biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest all in progression.

Six Extra Pounds, Ultra Power Walking; trust me, try it before you pass judgment.