Daily Archives: June 24th, 2012

It’s a journey and it’s a body of work.

If you are new to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo, you have to realize one thing.  This blog is a journey and it is a body of work.  If you read one post here or there you may notice a typo here and a typo there.  Sometimes I type “you” when I mean “your;” or maybe you will find a “there” when I mean “their”.  If that is enough for you to lose the message, then I am sorry.  I am trying to get better.  I am trying to learn by doing.  I think everyone should, I think everyone should learn by doing.

60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo is not product or a finished work, if it were it would already be a book.  No 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo is a work in progress.  I am trying to make progress by getting better at what I do; which is to try to convince you that you can get better at what you do.  It is not a Reality Show, but a peek into my reality.  My reality is that I am searching for truth, I am searching for purpose; and I am using my talents to chase my dreams.  I am also challenging you to do the same.

This blog is not about knowing better, it is about trying to do better.  I live in an area of the United States, Metro Detroit; where we know better, but we are not doing better.  Segregation, Racism, and Least Common Denominators are Politics as usual here; and that is not good enough.  Good enough is never good enough.  We know that giving people a hand up is better than giving people a hand out.  Yet we still used a closed fist over an open hand too many times.  Too much throwing stones and not enough building bridges, you could look at my life and see a life in shambles or a guy trying to make a difference.  It’s a journey and it’s a body of work.

I am trying to learn from the mistakes of my past, and I am doing all I can to say tomorrow can be a better day for all of us.  But we have to choose to make it a better day.  A typo here and a typo there does not change the message; or at least it shouldn’t.  Learn by doing and then try to help other who are willing to help themselves.  Allow yourself to be coached and then coach others.  I take lots of input from sources all over the internet as I try to spread my message all over the internet.  It started out as a Daily Video Log on You Tube, it morphed into a Quote of the Day group on LinkedIn, and now I am on WordPress blogging away.  60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo is a stream of consciousness, and a creative outlet, and a challenge to try to find something positive to say no matter what I am going through; and maybe to help you find an answer no matter what you are going through.  60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo is a journey and a body of work.  You can read and critique this journey, but I hope my intent is not lost in my amateur prose.  If I can make a difference in one life, if I can make a difference in one persons day; you can too.  Paying forward the positive is free.