Tag Archives: You.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford

I agree with Henry Ford to a point.  It is hard to argue against one of the most successful business men in the history of the world, but let’s take another look at his quote.  If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  I 100% agree with if you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  If you think you can do a thing do a thing, may require a little more work than just thinking.

Thinking is the start.  Acting, learning, adjusting those are the much needed next steps.  If you are convinced, you can’t do a thing you are right.  But if you think you can but you never act, then you are wrong.  It is ok to be confident, but you also have to deliver.  Sink some energy and effort into what you think you can do, and prove it.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Henry Ford created enough wealth for his children’s children and beyond.  By applying the assembly line to the automotive industry, Henry Ford helped shape the modern world.  Now, what is it that you think you can do?  Will you apply a little elbow grease and maybe invite others to join in; or will you sit back, wait for someone else to do it and then say “I told you so?”  Or will you sit back, say no one can do it and you will be right; until someone does it of course.  If you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  That will not stop others from trying though.

I have heard it said that the worst thing that can happen is that a small dream comes true.  I think the worst thing that can happen is someone else reaches your dream while you sit around and say that is impossible.  The beauty of it all is that I will not spoil many pity parties.  Those that are convinced they will never change the world, never will.  Then there are the rest of us.  The ones with something to prove.  Thinking we can is not enough.  Now we have to actually try.

Learn C.H.E.S.S. for success!

Welcome to 60 seconds of Motivational Mojo.  I do not expect you to learn the game of chess to be successful.  This is the acronym C.H.E.S.S. – Challenge, Help, Excite, Scare and Sustain; do something that challenges, helps, excites, scares and sustains you.

The game of chess is a classic game of strategy and skill.  Learning to play chess can help you think many moves ahead.  You will learn how to use each piece in different situations.  The acronym C.H.E.S.S. is something different.  Do something that “Challenges” you.   Do something that “Helps” you.   Do something that “Excites” you.   Do something that “Scares” you.  Do something that “Sustains” you.

Do you want to be successful?  The first step in success is to step out of your comfort zone and find a challenge.  Find something that challenges you to get better than where you are now.  Find something that will demand that you become better than you are today.  When you learn the game of chess, you do not become a Master overnight.  IT takes years of study.  Do not be afraid of something that just requires you to put in extra time to learn and grow.  Take it one day at a time and keep getting better.  This is the first step in success.  Step up to a new challenge!

Do you want to be successful?  The second step is to make sure you are doing something that will help you.  If you cannot clearly see how you will benefit from this new challenge, you run the risk of losing your drive and giving up.  Set a clear goal that will illustrate how learning a new skill or becoming better at what you do will help in the long run.  Set a goal and keep an eye on it.  It will help you through those frustrating times when nothing seems to be going right.

You want to be successful, correct?  Do something that excites you.  Learning something new and challenging will take some time.  This new endeavor may not bring immediate returns.  Part of learning is that learning is its own reward.  Imagine if you want to learn to play guitar.  Before you will get paid to play the guitar, you will have to learn how to play and perform.  The thrill learning to play new songs will keep you going while you learn to play the guitar.  The same can be said for many skills that you will learn to become a success.  Do something that excites you, helps you and challenges you.

Do you want to be successful?  Do something that scares you.  Winston Churchill said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  For many of us, fear holds us back from doing what we always wanted to do.  Sometimes we find things are easier than we thought they would be to learn.  If knowing is half the battle, getting started may well be the other half. You never know until you try.  Do not let fear keep you from trying.

Do you want to be successful?  The final step is to do something that sustains you.  Do something that will benefit you long term.  Many successful people have stated, anything worth doing is worth doing for money.  Another great quote is that if you a good at something never work for free.  Maybe you agree with these statements, maybe you do not.  I have discussed possible projects with very talented people who I respected and they said they loved what they were doing and did not want to turn it into work.  They did not want it to feel like a job.  So I asked them, do they love their job?  Why not do what you love?  Why do something you do not love for money so you can have the money to do what you love?  What is the value of all of your time?  Do something that sustains you!

If you have never played chess, I would suggest you learn.  You do not have to become great overnight.  Good things take time.   My formula for success is C.H.E.S.S. do something that challenges you, helps you, excites you, scares you and sustains you.  Then teach that to someone else!

Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?

Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo.  Do you have an idea or a dream that you really want to chase, but you are waiting for something, anything?  Are you waiting for a sign or the approval of others?  Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?

Don’t wait, get to work.

Think about this for a minute.  The President of the United States is one of the most loved and most hated people on the planet.  Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton; they have all been President.  Do you love them all?  Do you hate them all?  Do you love half and hate the other half?  Which side of the fence you are on makes no difference, each of these 4 men has reached the highest elected office in the United States and plenty of people did not like them.

So what are you waiting for?  Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?  No matter what you try to do, not everyone will love your idea.  Some people may hate it, some may love it – but that does not mean they will help you.  Others may love your idea so much they will try to steal it from you.  Some people will be jealous of you and some may be your friend.  Then there are those who will get close to you so they can stab you in the back.

Don’t wait, get to work.

Think about this for a moment.  Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake.  Some of the most popular American singers of all time.  Do you love them all, do you love all their songs?  Everyone has different tastes.  Your taste may not appeal to everyone.  Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?  If you sell 30 Million copies of a song in the US, that means over 300 Million people did not buy your music.  So think about it, you can be one of the most popular singers in the world with a less than 10% buy-in from the general public.  Do not let the 90% who may not like you stop you from reaching the 10% who do.

Don’t wait, get to work.

The only thing I hope and pray you will consider is to not do harm to others to get where you want to go.  Don’t sell fear or hate to reach your dreams.  Walk in hope and love for others.  Are you waiting for everyone to love your ideas?

Don’t wait, get to work.

Thank you

Thank you

American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria

Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria

Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic

Denmark, Dominican Republic

Ecuador, Egypt, European Union

Fiji, Finland, France

Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala

Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary

India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy

Jamaica, Japan, Jordan

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait

Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania

Macau SAR China, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma)

Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway


Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico


Romania, Russia

Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland

Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks & Caicos Islands

Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

Vanuatu, Vietnam


60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo:  Reaching the world one click at a time.  Thank you!


Je vous remercie






dank je





gratias tibi



And all others – Thank you!

Joseph Luellen


You can do it!

You can do it!

You need to hear this; you need to see this written down.  You can do it.

You can do it.  You have a dream, step one is to acknowledge the fact that you have a life-long dream.  It is not about the possessions but about what you want to do with your life if money was no object.  What is your dream?  What would you be doing?  You can do it!

You need to say it out loud.  “I can do this!”  Again, what is your dream?  Get back to the very basics, when you were a kid and life was not about money, power and problems.  What was your dream?  You can do it.  Now, take small steps toward your dream.  It is like riding a bike, you may need to start with training wheels or with someone you trust helping you balance, but you can do it.  Don’t be ashamed of where you are starting, just start!

You can do it!  You need to see it and you need to hear it and you need to be around people who will help you not hinder you or use you.  You can do it!

Today is your day, keep it simple; but get started it!  You can do it!

How much do you believe in what you do?

How much do you believe in what you do?

Welcome to Impact – 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. In truth, I started this blog to motivate myself. I wanted to see if I could find something, anything good to say once or twice a week. This blog started as an online Motivational diary and as a step in my quest to become a Motivational Speaker.

The Beacon of Hope Challenge was a quote of the day challenge I promoted on LinkedIn and also started an Impact Group there. The Point of Light Network grew out of the Beacon of Hope Challenge. A bunch of people who were leaving daily good news posts wanted to get together and host a Motivational Workshop. We were spread out all across North America so we settled on Milwaukee Wisconsin for a weekend planning session. So like any startup we planned for the Big Dream. Now years later I have learned from the reality. Good things take time.


How much do you believe in what you do?

I have not given up the dream. No, I have only become more driven to see it become reality. But I have also learned from the mistake of thinking that everything will fall into place because we just hope for it to fall into place. Every idea, every post, every word spoken requires action. If people will not chase their own ideas, then others will not just do it for them. Not without a lot of money or authority behind it that is to say. So I live and I learn and I dream on.

How much do I believe I can make a difference without throwing a bunch of money at a problem? I want to see it bad enough to keep blogging and posting and searching for people who will work together, not because they are paid to or forced to; but work together because they want to work together. So here I am, on quest to find 100 jobs for 100 people and to spread the word about getting involved at places like Food Banks and Homeless Shelters. I am looking to bring together Bloggers, Speakers, Volunteers, Recruiters and HR Reps to pull off the trifecta. Motivational Workshops, Career Fairs and Volunteer Drives all rolled into one. This will take time, but good things take time. I am in no hurry.

Everything is possible

How much do you believe in what you do?

I was in a hurry once, and I learned from it. It will happen when it is supposed to happen; now I am supposed to keep pushing for it to happen and asking for help.  So I ask for your help. Join us On LinkedIn: & Facebook. Post good news and share your story. Invite people to join you when you volunteer. Give back to your community!


How much do you believe in what you do? Do you do it for the money? Do you do it so that others can learn and grow from what you do? Do believe enough to stay at it as it ebbs and flows, shrinks and grows, appears to be broken and needs fixing? I do. I am still here. I am still blogging and I am still asking people to pay it forward without worrying about where the money will come from. Pay it forward in kind words and kind deeds. Work together and volunteer for charity. I am not asking anyone to put themselves in harm’s way or believe they have to invest in a system to get rich quick. I believe it because I can see it, even if others don’t see it yet.

How much do you believe in what you do?

Ranking the Seven Star Wars Movies:

Ranking the Seven Star Wars Movies:

Ok today I just want to have some fun. I have seen the 7th Star Wars movie thanks to my Step Son buying us tickets. So as a fan I had my own little ranking of the Seven Stars Wars Movie. Now because I tell people to do their homework, I did a little digging also.

Rotten Tomatoes Ranks them in this order.

1: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

2: Star War: New Hope

3: The Empire Strikes Back

4: Return of the Jedi

5: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

6: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

7: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


Metacritic Ranks them this way:

1: Star Wars: New Hope

2: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

3: The Empire Strikes Back

4: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

5: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

6: Return of the Jedi:

7: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


Here at 60 Seconds Of Motivational Mojo, I offer this ranking from worst to first and my reasons why.

7: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


After So much build up for the return of Star Wars, The Phantom Menace felt like a letdown.


6: Attack of the Clones.


Did you spot the Millennium Falcon? You had to love the scene of the Star Destroyers Lifting Off


5: Revenge of the Sith.


Luke vs Obi-Wan, Yoda vs Darth Sidious; but you have to wonder how the Sith planned all that right under the nose of the Jedi.


4: Return of the Jedi.


The 1st Appearance of the Emperor’s Force Lighting and Luke with his eyes turning Red, I rank Return of the Jedi as the Litmus Test


3: Star Wars: The Force Awakens


If you had never seen or lived Star Wars then I can see why you would rank this Number One; This movie is a great mashup of all things Star Wars and a hint at things to come.

2: Star Wars New Hope

New Hope

Listen Movie Fans. It goes like this. There was life before Star Wars and Life after Star Wars. This one started it all.


1: The Empire Strikes Back


You can’t deny: “I am your father!” is one of the most quoted lines of all time!


May the force be with you!

Do you know your purpose?

Do you know your purpose?

who-am-iWho am I? This may be the question all of all questions. Have you ever asked yourself who you are? Do you know your purpose? People of Noble descent are told from the time that there were born that they we born to rule. People who are born into wealth and privilege are groomed to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Bankers, Doctors, Lawyers, Athletes, Entertainers… the list goes on and on. Who are you? Who am I? What is your purpose? What is my purpose? My intent is not to offend you.


Who am I?

Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” States we have Five Purposes and that we are made for a mission. Do you know your mission? Do you know your purpose?

I have been on a mission to find out why I am here and who I am. I believe people need to look inside themselves and reconnect with their inner child. There is an article over at “Lifehack” that asks a lot of the questions I ask myself and ask others. If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend your time? What do you love to do? What did you love deep down before the world told you to get practical?

kid searching

Do you know your purpose? Why are you here? Who are you? We have to figure out where we want to go before we can figure out how we are going to get there. I cannot tell you what you talent is and what you should be doing, but Steven Covey has written a great go to book on the subject. There are seven habits that highly effective and successful people use to move from self-mastery to working with others and finally into continuous improvement. Do you know them?

Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here? Do you know the Ten Commandments?  What about the Seven Deadly Sins? How about the Seven Heavenly Virtues? Do you know them? Do you know where they come from? Do you agree with them? What do we do if we do not agree on God or even if we don’t believe in God? What do we do then?

what directionI am not here to answer all questions to all people. I am here to challenge people to at least think about who they are and what is their purpose in life. I believe we are here to us our time and talents to make the world a better place, and to teach others how to use their talents. We are here to encourage either not squash each other’s dreams. We are here to find the win / win situations that work for everyone. We are here to gain wisdom; to learn and teach through doing, by working in our community as a community. I believe we can find our purpose by helping each other.


Do you know your purpose?

How to find the job you want! The Three Types of Jobs in your career.

How to find the job you want! The Three Types of Jobs in your career.

Are you looking for a job? Have you found a job and you are not happy? Are you looking for a Career? Most of us will change jobs to make more money, or because the job we had has been transitioned or lost due to the ups and downs of the economy. We will search the want ads and the jobs boards and interview any number of times as a working adult. While you are looking for a job you need to realize there are really only three types of jobs in your career; the job you have, the job you need and your dream job.

dream-job-nowThe Job you have.

Do you have a job? If not, then you need to find any job. Stop looking for your dream job. We live in a “What have you done for me lately” society. The job you need right now may not be the job you want, more on that later; If you do not have a job, take any job you can find that does not put your life in danger or have you doing anything illegal or immoral.

The job you have right now is the foundation of your career. The job you have right now will supply some kind of income to make living possible. It may not be the job you want, but it will at least give you something to put on your resume and also give you some kind of reference. The job you have may not be your dream job, but it is a start. If you are not working, find a job; any job.

BeatlesMost of us when looking for a job are looking for the job we want. We should be looking for the job we need. Let’s say I want to be the Guitar Player for the Beatles Reunion Tour. Well unless Paul and Ringo decide to tour together, I am barking up the wrong tree. Also, if I am not known as the Preeminent Second Coming of George or John, why would they hire me for the job? Sometimes the job we want does not exist. Other times the job we want is a real stretch to say the least. Now let’s say that I am a really good Beatles Songs Session Player, I may have to start or settle for playing in a Beatles Tribute Band. Now if I am not working as a musician, I need to start, get a gig, any gig and get my name out there. If I do not have a job, the job I need is any job. If I have a job, say as a plumber, then the job I need is a steady gig as a musician.

The job you have pays the bills and gives you a chance at the job you need. The job you need gives you the experience to be ready for the job you want. Let’s say I want to own a bank. I may have to take a job as a bank teller, and then try to get a job as a bank manager, so I can be in line to open a bank one day. Say I want to be President of the United States. Unless my name is very well known, I may have to start out running for the local school board or working on another person’s campaign. Once I get the a job any job, then the job I need may be running for a higher position like city council or becoming a campaign manager. First I need a job, any job. If I have a job; then I need to look for a job that will give me the experience to be in line for the job I want.

volunteerSometimes you are next in the line for your dream job. Then the job you have is the job you need. This is the time that life is pretty good. People may offer you jobs that you don’t want while you are waiting for a shot at the job you do want. Keep your focus. The job you need gives you experience for the job you want.

Sometimes the job you have will not get you in line for the job you want or even the job you need. This is a great time to volunteer nights or weekends in a place where you can get the experience you need and build a network of references. If you try to volunteer at a place and they don’t want your help, move on to the next place. Someone out there is looking for what you can bring to the table, it may not be the first place you call or walk into.

Do you have a job? If yes then the job you need is the one that will get you more experience. If you do not have a job, then the job you need is any job that does not break the law or comprise your morals and principals. Are you in line for the job you want? If yes, then do a great job at the job you have. Help others be good at their job. Be the go to person that makes things better for everyone. If you are not in line for the job you want, expand your search. Do you need to go back to school, or attend some workshops? Can you volunteer somewhere to get the skills you need to be considered for the job you want?

WorkshopDo you have the job you want? How will you know? You will know because you like what you are doing and you can get ahead of your bills. You will know because you are helping others be successful and you can control your destiny. You will know because other job offers do not appeal to you. This is also true when you are working at the job you need. You will feel needed and appreciated and you will feel like you are growing and learning. You will feel ready and able to take the next job, your dream job when called upon; and the people around you will feel like you are the right choice for your dream job when it comes open. When you are really on top of your game, someone may create a position just for you, or you may start your own business doing what you always dreamed of doing.

If Paul and Ringo called me up and needed a guitar player, I would ask them for a list of songs and jam all night to be ready to go first thing tomorrow. It would be a little late to not know how to play the guitar or not even have one to play. So the real question is how do I get on that short list?

Looking for a jobSo let’s recap. If you do not have a job; take any job that you kind find and build up your references. Volunteer while you are searching, network and someone may help you find that first job. If you have a job but you need more experience; volunteer somewhere or attend classes or workshops to gain the experience you need for the job you want. Find the job you need that will put you in line for the job you want. Don’t’ take it for granted. Be thankful for each day you are given and make the most of it.

Don’t let a Little Resistance keep you from being great.


Don’t let a Little Resistance keep you from being great.

Do you remember the game Flappy Bird? No not Angry Birds, I am posting about the game Flappy Bird: A game created by Dong Nguyen that took the Mobil App market by storm for a short time. Nguyen was making $50,000 a day in ads off of the game and pulled the game during the height of its popularity.

As much of a story that someone would cancel a top selling game and other people would sell the phones for over a thousand dollars just because the game was loaded on their phone. As interesting as all of this is, the most interesting thing to me was that the game started out very slowly in the app market. The game was not an over-night success. Most people claimed they loved it and hated it at the same time.

As more people played the game it started to be tweeted 500,000 times a day. The app was one of the Top Ten Downloads and By Feb. 1, Flappy Bird was the number-one free game in 53 countries in the App Store. So would you pull one of the most popular apps in the world off the market? Remember Nguyen did not pull the app while it was moving slowly and almost looked like it would die on the vine. No during this time he was updating the game. The game did not become popular until Nguyen was met with resistance, people were actually hating the game as much as they were liking it. Nguyen did not let a little resistance keep him from creating one of the most popular apps at the beginning of 2014. He more than likely just wanted to make a game that was fun, not something offensive or just for the attention.

So I ask you, will you let a few bumps in the road stop you from reaching your goals. Will you keep on chasing your dreams even if not a lot of people jump on your bandwagon or even if people stand in your way? If you are not causing harm to others and not just trying to steal the spotlight from someone else, will you let a little backlash keep you from your dreams?

Dong Nguyen is not like most of us. A lot of us would have given up before reaching our goals. And for those of us who would have stuck around and made it, few of us would have pulled one of the Top Downloaded Free Apps while it is at the height of its popularity and bringing in thousands of dollars each hour of the day in ad revenue. He wasn’t being sued but did he use a little smoke and mirrors to make the game a success?

Whatever the verdict, was it his own hype? Did the game just take off? Either way, it was not an over-night success. Dong Nguyen found the formula by sticking with it until it worked. Why he pulled the plug, we may never know the truth.

Don’t let a little resistance keep you from make your dreams come true.