Tag Archives: 2013

Top Ten Found / Searched Mojo for Winter 2013

Top Ten Found / Searched Mojo for Winter 2013

Every now and then I like to look back and see what 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo Topics are being found the most.  I try to nudge them along, but over 90% of the traffic on this blog come from random searches.  These are the entries that have been found the most this winter.  So to celebrate the coming of the Spring of 2014, I looked back over the last 90 days and here is the Top Ten 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo for Winter of 2013.

10:  We all love seeing the Underdog Win.

               Don’t just root for the underdog, learn to embrace being the underdog and find a way to win!

9:  Maximum Awesomeness!

               Don’t you want to be awesome?  I would like to see you be awesome!

8:  Don’t let your mistakes define your future.

               We all make mistakes, now get up and learn from them!

7:  Birds of a feather flock together.

               What flock do you belong too?

6:  Confidence, Determination and Will Power:

               They are very hard to measure, but look at the results they bring into realty.

5:  T.R.U.S.T:

               Who do you trust?

4:  The Selfless Leader:

               The best Leadership is Selfless Leadership

3:  Why the easy way out is the hardest and worse option.

               Don’t take the easy way out.

2:  Why Teamwork sometimes doesn’t work.

               People have to want to work as a team.

1:  Standing up for what you believe in is the right thing to do.

               Talking about the right thing is a lot easier than doing the right thing.  Do the right thing anyway!

Spring 2013 – Top Ten Motivational Mojo Posts:

Thank you for another Season of 60 Seconds Of Motivational Mojo.  Sometimes it is good to look back and see which posts are connecting:  Here is my countdown to the Ten Most Found Motivational Mojo Posts of the Spring of 2013:

Number 10: If no one has called you crazy, you are not trying hard enough.

This post may be the story of my life summed up.  But I believe if you are chasing your dreams; someone, somewhere may call you crazy.  Don’t let that stop you!


Number 9:  We are all different.

So let’s celebrate our diversity.  If we were all the same, this world would be a boring place.  If you are not hurting other people, live your life and chase your dreams!


Number 8:  Maximum Awesomeness!

Do you have what it takes to be awesome?  Let me help you find your way to Maximum Awesomeness.


Number 7:  Runners Log – June 14th 2012

Life is full of surprises.  This one surprises me.  Hey it continues to connect with the people out there who are trying to get their Motivational Mojo On!


Number 6:  The Five E-s of Leadership:

I am trying to become a better Leader in many areas of my life.  I am happen this post has is in the Top Ten.  This is what I believe a Leader should strive to do.


Number 5:  The Selfless Leader:

Two Leadership Posts back to back.  Maybe one day I will write a book on Leadership.  Until then I am trying to Right My Ship on being a Leader.


Number 4:  Why Teamwork sometimes doesn’t work.

We all have been lead to believe that teamwork is the “Be All” answer.  So why does teamwork sometimes not work?  I try to answer that question.


Number 3:  Maximum Muscle Madness

This post was a fun post that really took on a life of it own.  Maybe one day I will also be a fitness guru.  This is my Superstar Muscle Up Workout Plan.


Number 2:  Life is like a rollercoaster. The question is which hill do we tackle first?

This is one of my favorite posts.  I am going to trademark the phrase Proactive Slacker, so no one out there should try to steal it from me.  This may be expanded into the first book of that series.  In all seriousness, it is the reasons we should tackle the big hills first.


Number 1:  Standing up for what you believe in is the right thing to do.

This post is a surprise number one for me.  I think people should stand up for what they believe in, and it seems a lot of people agree.  Don’t let people tell you what you should be doing, if they are not standing up for what they believe.


There you have it.  The Top Ten Found 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo Posts for the Spring of 2013.  I will stay at it.  I hope you will stay tuned for more.


Top Ten Found Mojo Posts for the Month of March 2013

Sometimes I just want to try something new.  I have tried to figure out what is connecting with my blog.  What is getting through and what is not.  I have tried to help move things along, but people find what they are looking for on their own.  So for a change, I am going to do a Top Ten for a Month.

Here are the Top Ten Found Posts for the Month of March 2013


Standing up for what you believe in is the right thing to do.

People talk about doing the right thing.  I am glad some people are curious.


Maximum Muscle Madness

This one is a surprise to me.  When I wrote this I was just having fun.  It has been Number One every month since.  This is the first time since it posting, it has slipped from the Top Slot.


Life is like a rollercoaster. The question is which hill do we tackle first?

My take on why you should tackle the big hill first!


Aces High!

I hope this post inspires people to do their very best!


Just give up.

I get it, some times you need a day off.  It is ok to take a day.


Why Teamwork sometimes doesn’t work.

Don’t get me wrong.  I 100% believe in team work.  But when a team falls short, don’t place blame.  There is a lesson to be learned.


Dream It, Plan It, Live It!

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.


Lots of little things add up to big things.

Maybe a lot of little post will add up to ne big blog.


We all love seeing the Underdog Win.

I love being the underdog.  How about you?


The Selfless Leader:

I believe the best leaders are Servants and Teachers to those who choose to travel with them.

Happy New Year

 Simply said, Happy 2013

Happy Two Thousand Thirteen

Happy Twenty Thirteen

As the hipsters may say; Happy Twenty Thirty-teen.

Simply said, Happy New Year