Tag Archives: life

Life will always get in the way

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

If you let it.  So stand up and don’t let it!

Life will always get in the way.  Work, Family, Friends, everyone has something they need from you or want you to do for them.  But what are they doing for you?  Is it a two-way street or a one-way street?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

I get it, honestly, I do.  Think about a compass, if work is pulling North, Bills will pull you South, If family is pulling you East, friends will pull you West; and there you are caught in the middle getting streached to your limit.  Wouldn’t life be great if work, bills, family and friends were all pulling you in the same direction?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

So are you waiting for the perfect time to chase your dreams?  There will never be a perfect time.  Are you waiting for the perfect idea?  There will never be a perfect idea.  Are you waiting for the perfect place?  There will never be a perfect place! You will have to work at it; you have to start sometime, why not now?  You will have to start somewhere, why not here?

Life will always get in the way

The world will always try to drag you down.

So stand up and don’t let it!

My Recovery Workout Plan

My Recovery Workout Plan

16 Ounce Curls. No this is not what some people think. These are actual One Pound Soft Weights that are strapped around you wrist. 16 ounce curls and 16 ounce shadow boxing while I walk. It is all part of my Recovery Workout Plan.

As you may or not know if you have been following 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo, I have blogged about different Fitness Routines I have dreamed up and followed over time. Life continues to throw its curve balls at me and I continue to respond with new and improved ways to rise to the challenge. So I have basically Three Levels of Power Walking with or without Ankle Weights. When I use the Five Pound Ankle Weights, I walk very deliberately at a Slow Pace. When I use the Two and a Half Pound Weights I walk at a Medium Pace. I walk briskly when I do not wear ankle weights, but I will wear compression braces to protect my knees. I also use Five Pound, Three Pound or One Pound Soft Weights to work my arms while I walk. The Five Pound Weights may not seem like much, but when you do sets of 20 or 30 reps over and over without setting down the weights your arms and shoulders never get a rest. 100’s of reps of a Five Pound Weight begin to Add Up. Same goes for the Three Pound Weights. Using the One Pound Weight is more for keeping the muscles warmed up than building or toning, but these recovery workouts are also important.

Stock Fitness Clipart 01When I wear the One Pound Weights around my wrists, I also use wrist bands to keep the weights secure. I walk at a brisk pace, and I shadow box and do 16 ounce curls. People have told me I look like a boxer. No, I have never boxed so I guess I might as well workout like a retired boxer just trying to stay in shape. Honestly the One Pounds weights do not challenge me physically anywhere near like the Three and Five Pounds Weights do, but they challenge me mentally. It is a game you play in your own mind to keep going, to keep getting stronger and faster, to recover from your last workout with the heavier weights.

So I challenge my own mind. Shadow box 50 or 100 reps, curl 100 reps, walk briskly but stay in control. Does not seem like much when you start down the block and around the corner, my calves hurt a little from the day before but not a problem. Simple enough, but I have three miles to go. Shadow Box, then curls again and again, keep moving briskly; keep walking at a steady pace. First Mile Down, starting to feel it a little more in my calves, but I am warming up to this chilly weather.

Keep moving and keep an eye out for stray dogs while I am listening to my workout mix. Also keep an eye on the traffic and other people who are out walking and biking. Two Miles down, my arms do not hurt from the 16 ounces curls, but I seem to lose count when I throw my shadow punches, I have to count them out 10, 20, 30, 40 and then 50. I have to play games in my own mind; I have to keep myself honest. Keep the pace, stay just above the pace that breaks a sweat, keep my arms moving, that extra pound on each wrist makes a difference after hundreds and hundreds of repetitions.

Stock Fitness Clipart 03Turn the last corner and head for home. My legs are a little tired. My iFit reminds me I have put in 10,000 steps for the day. My throat is dry; I can’t wait for that Gatorade when I get home. Three miles down and just have to stay on the pace. No giving up. Keep those arms moving 50 to 100 curls then 50 Shadow Box Punches; the curls are easy but I really have to count out those punches to get to 50. I am not a boxer, I don’t even play one on television or in the movies; but I may as well fight the good fight in my mind to stay at some kind of fitness level that works for me.

Every time I do my Shadow Box Power walks, I have to keep nudging up the pace. My legs are getting stronger, my knees are getting stronger and the weather is getting colder; nothing combats the cold like a brisk pace and a “Just Do It” attitude. One day I will have my “Joseph Luellen Fitness 4 Life Work-Out Video Series” ready to go, but for now it is just me against the sunset and the chilly fall wind. As I make it back home it is time for the cool down Gatorade, get cleaned up and have some dinner.

Stock Fitness Clipart 02Here I am working out with One Pound Soft Wrist Weights, 16 ounces curls and shadow boxing while I power walk to some high energy tunes, does life get any better? Yes, it does. One day I will live the life I have been dreaming of; until them I will keep fighting and be ready to take my mountain. 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo, out!

Life In One Day


Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. Today I hijack the lyrics to Howard Jones’ hit song, “Life In One Day.” So today maybe it is Motivational Hojo-Mojo, I don’t know. I will include a link to the video on YouTube. Why this song? Well today I was going through quite a bit so I cued it up on my CD player and let it rip.

Howard Jones Lyrics in Bold

My Comments are in Italic

Howard Jones – Life In One Day

“The old man said to me
Said don’t always take life so seriously
Play the flute
And dance and sing your song”

Hey so no matter what I am going through I should not take it too seriously?

I need to sing my song!

Try and enjoy the here and now
The future will take care of itself somehow
The grass is never greener over there
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone

I need to remember the future will take care of itself somehow!

Don’t try to live your life in one day
Don’t go speed your time away
Don’t try to live your life in one day
Don’t go speed your time away

Sometimes we need to slow down no matter what we are going through, good or bad!

The old man said to me
Said you can’t change the world single handedly
Raise a glass enjoy the scenery

I can’t do it all myself

Pretend the water is champagne
And fill my glass again and again
While the wolves are gathering round your door

OK so maybe the wolves will be after me, but I should enjoy what I have

Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone


The old man said to me
Said don’t always take life so seriously
Play the flute
And dance and sing your song

I need to sing my song!

Try and enjoy the here and now
The future will take care of itself somehow
The grass is never greener over there
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone

I need to remember the future will take care of itself somehow!

I tried to live my life in one day
Don’t go speed your time away

I bit off more than I can chew
Only so much you can do

Ok, I bit off more than I can chew so I need to learn from it!

Wolves are gathering round my door
Ask them in and invite some more

OK so maybe the wolves will be after me, but I should enjoy what I have

I tried to live my life in one day
Don’t go speed your time away

Don’t try to live your life in one day

Howard Jones – Life In One Day Lyrics


We are a Beautiful Mess.

We are a Beautiful Mess.

Each one of us is a mess. We are a mess and yet we are a flawless design. We may try to cover it up; we may try to look perfect even when we don’t feel so good inside. Welcome to 60 Seconds Of Motivational Mojo, where I am here to tell you it is ok to be a mess. You are a Beautiful Mess. We are a Beautiful Mess.

I believe we are part of a Grand Design. Many will argue that we are just one of millions of chances on millions of worlds circling millions of stars. And yet those same people will deny that any of those millions of chances from millions of worlds circling millions of stars has been successful in contacting us. I do not believe we are an intergalactic accident any more than I believe we are the only living breathing intelligent life forms. I believe that we were perfectly made, and then we made a mess of ourselves. We are a Beautiful Mess.

The more I see little kids, toddlers and babies; the more I see innocence. The more I see little kids, I see what we were meant to be; we were meant to laugh and play and share and be curious about each other in an innocent and loving way. We were meant to shine, but instead we dull our brightness. We dim the lights that are inside of us. We grow older and we learn to hate, and be afraid of each other and take advantage of each other. Live is a mess and we made a mess of our lives. We try to hide it; we try to cover it up. We all want to appear perfect no matter how messed up we feel inside. We are a mess.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just start over? I say that we can. I think we can, but we are just too afraid. I think it is easy, you just watch little kids play. Just watch little kids who are sharing with each other. Just watch little kids who have not yet learned to be mean and greedy and jealous for anything. We just need to let the little kid in our hearts out to play. We should clean up the mess that we are on the inside, and not try to cover it up on our outside. You are not the clothes you wear or the house you live in. You are not how much money you make or the possessions you have. You are how you treat others. You are how your treat the less fortunate, not how you cozy up to your boss.

One day we will learn that we were supposed to treat each other, better than we would treat ourselves. One day we will learn that we are supposed to help each other and not take advantage of each other. One day we will learn that we were not supposed to take anyone for granted, or make anyone feel second best. Until then we will remain a mess. Not matter how beautiful the mess is on the outside, we will still all just be a mess. Be beautiful on the inside no matter how messy it is on the outside. To truly be a beautiful mess, you got to be doing the best you can with no strings attached. It is ok to be a mess. Remember you have what it takes to be a beautiful mess.

Don’t cover up the things you do wrong, learn from them. Treat others better than you want to be treated. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know everything. Work together to learn together and to grow together. Let the kid inside of you out to play. Share with others. Be nice to each other. Basically stop all the madness of this messed up life and be beautiful again. I know my life is a mess. I can’t fix it without help. But I can do the best I can to be the best that I can be from this day forward. I would rather looked messed up on the outside and be beautiful inside than to look like I have it made on the outside and be ugly inside.

Be a Beautiful Mess!

20 Extra Pounds:

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo where once again, I am just looking for answers to live a better life and sharing what I find out along the way. Yesterday, I felt like I was letting myself become a little too lazy. I needed to get up and exercise, I needed to get out and get my blood pumping again. I have a collection of soft dumbbell weights and ankle weights. So, I figure why wait? Get out and walk.

So it was a cool later September Evening. I was not going to walk far, so I figured I would use my 5 Pound Ankle Weights and my 5 Pound Soft Dumbbell Weights. I would be carrying 20 Extra Pounds. I put on my walking jeans, my gym shoes and strapped on the ankle weights. I noticed I had to walk very deliberately. No jerking motions, the ankle weights want to keep moving forward when you put your feet down. I grabbed my MP3 player, my head phones and my soft dumbbells.

I walked at a nice steady pace for my first lap around my apartment complex. I could notice the difference 5 pound dumbbells make over the 3 pound kind. It does not seem like much, 5 pounds per hand, but you never put the weights down. I was moving through 3 different lifts while I was walking; biceps curls, overhead shoulder lifts and chest press or shadow punches. Again, I never put the weights down; 10, 20, 30 reps of each exercise and then straight into the next lift.

My shoulders started feeling sore, and I had to walk nice and steady, 5 pounds in each hand and 5 pounds strapped to each ankle. I noticed just walking at a steady pace took more effort and more of my attention. Thank God for my MP3 player and another playlist of my favorite songs. I felt like Robocop, Robo-Joe; so what should I call this exercise? Mega-Power Walking! I had done my Power Walks, Super Power Walks with Hand Grips, Ultra Power Walks with the 3 Pound Soft Dumbbells, so now I am up to Mega-Power Walks. 1st lap down and I am remember the Mega-Powers tag team; Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage. It is amazing the way your minds can wander if you let it.

I began to break a sweat on my second lap. I am not sure how far one lap is, somewhere between a quarter-mile and a half mile I suppose. I usually power walk between 3 and 4 miles, but tonight is more of a test drive. Just get my technique down. I had to step deliberately, don’t rush things. I would never run with ankle weights on, you have to move smoothly; ankle weights tend to jerk around a bit. I also had to pay attention to the way I was lifting the hand weights, I had to keep them under control. It was a cool brisk September Night. I start thinking Body for Life workouts instead of the more tradition Powerhouse versus Planet Fitness Workouts. It’s only the second lap and I am sweating up a storm. I wonder how much more I have in me.

One more lap I say. This is just a test drive, I will be out here all through the autumn and if things go well through the winter also. One more lap. Three laps should do it. It felt like about 30 minutes, it might have been only 15. I did not break any speed records; I was not showing off with tons of weights. I was walking in long sleeve thermals and blue jeans. No one would mistake me for a super athlete, but I felt like I had done the work. I was earning my keep. I was sweating and my blood was pumping and it was nowhere near hot outside. 20 extra pounds made all the difference in the world. Yeah Mega-Power Walking, I need to fit this in at least once a week.

Deal with reality.

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. Give me please just a minute of your time to try to brighten your day. I know that life is not always the way we want it to be. Life is not fair, so we are left to deal with reality. You can do it. I can do it; in the end we have to do it. In the end we have to deal with reality.

Let’s say there are three versions of the life we lead. There is the life we want, the life we believe we can have and the life lead day in and day out. So what drives us? We all have a dream don’t we? More than hitting the lottery, if you could write you own life story, what would you write? The live you wish you had is what motivates you to chase your dreams. The life you believe you can have is where you think you will more than likely end up. Then there is the reality of your day to day life. The closer you can get those three visions to line up, the happier you will be. That is what I believe.

So, I ask you again. What is your dream life? If you could write it down on paper, what would you write? Now, I ask you this question. Do you think that the life you wish you have is possible? If the answer is yes, you are more than likely doing something every day to get closer to that life. If the answer is no, no you do not believe your dream life is possible; then you are still doing something, you are doing something to get you close to the life you believe you can have. If you truly believe you will hit the lottery you will buy lottery tickets; if you do not believe you will hit the lottery, you won’t buy lottery tickets. It is that simple. In the end you will do the things you believe you can get done, not the things you wish you can get done. Do you see where I am heading? Finding balance between your wishes, your beliefs and your reality are very important.

Why do people give up? Why do people seem to self-destruct?  I believe it is when people feel like they do not deserve anything better or more than what they already have. What they wish for is so far out of sight and what they believe is less than what they can really accomplish. This is a total loss of hope. Again, this is why I believe there is a need for balance in what you are wishing for, what you believe and your reality. Yes it all sounds so simple, and really it is just that simple.

It is easy to want the best in life. Advertisement agencies develop campaigns every day that you deserve the best. It doesn’t matter if it is fast food or luxury cars. You deserve the best. The only question is do you believe it? I am not talking about the angry customer who wants something for nothing. I am talking about the person who is happy with their life and their choices. Are you happy with your choices? Do you believe that you deserve the best? If so, it will be easier for you to deal with your reality.

We all have to deal with reality, but that does not mean we cannot change our reality. If it is possible then it is possible for us to be a part of it. If it is probable, then it is more than likely that we will try, at least once. So there is your possibility which might not happen; your probability, which will more than likely happen and your reality which is happening now. Things change because you apply your energy to change them. Either you change things or things will change you. If you do nothing, than slowly but surely life will pass you by and time will rob you not only of your dreams, but also of the things that you could have had. Time will rob you of your possibilities and your probabilities if you let it.

Now, people can also rob you of your dreams. People can be very negative and take away not only what is possible for you, but also take away what is probable for you. Let’s say you want to be a Singer but you are working at a deli. So maybe you are in line for a promotion at the deli, and maybe there is a tryout for a talent show. Negative people will convince not to try for either. They will tell you that you are dreaming and you need to know your place. Negative people have lost hope of their dream so they do not want to see you reach your dream. So not only will they kill your dream, that talent show tryout; they will kill your promotion at the deli also. You are the one who in the end will have to deal with the reality, either you tried or you let someone else talk you out of trying.

Deal with your reality. Believe in your dreams. Make sure the life you want and the life you believe you can have line up with your reality. Do not let negative people crush your dreams to the point where you no longer want to even try for the life you want. Make sure the life you believe you can have is better than the life you are already living. Bad things happen when you feel like you do not deserve the best in life.

Relay for Life:

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

This is the little song I was singing this morning as I was raising money for Relay for Life. I was on the side of the road with my wife and two other members of her team. We are Team Rockers, even though I am not officially signed up yet. I have helped out the last couple of years. It doesn’t even matter to me if any of the money goes in my name. I know my intentions and I have heard that intention is all that really matters.

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Every time I sang it, every time I made that lap from the Curb out in front of the cars at the Red Light, walking along the line between the turn lane and one of the through traffic lanes, handing out lollipops and information about the Relay for Life event, shaking my Gallon Jug trying to fill it one dollar or one hand full of loose change at a time. Each time was like another time at bat or another time stepping on stage for a quick 30 second concert. Sometimes the lanes would be empty, like playing to any empty house. Sometimes there would be cars that would ignore me, like striking out in baseball. Sometimes the lanes would be full and I would get Eighty Seven Cents in spare-change; or a Dollar Bill or maybe even Five or Ten Dollars, like a hit song or a home run.

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Sometimes I felt like I should be in a Chicken Suit or a Dancing Bear Costume, people would tell me I looked like I was having fun. I was trying to make it fun, thinking that everyone should take an afternoon and shake a tin cup or a gallon for their favorite cause. If I say others should do it, then I should do it. I should do what I think, I should do what I say because the world is full of ideas but actions and intentions are what really matters. It is not about talking about it, it is about making up your mind and doing; you lose nothing by trying. You learn everything by doing.

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Relay for Life, Relay for Life: Heritage Park, May 17th

Life Is:

Life is the sum total of your beliefs, your choices and your actions.  You do have a say in what you will become.  Welcome back to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo.  It is your life, what do you plan to do with it?

Life is not what you own.  Do not let the things you own define you.  Life is not what how much money you make.  Life is not what you do to make money.  These are not the reasons we live, these are the reasons we work.  Work can be a part of life, but life is so much more.  Do not let your possessions, your money or your job define you.  Your life should be defined on how you treat others and what you do when the work is done.  Are people better off because of you or in spite of you?  What do people say about you when you are not around?

Your beliefs, your choices and your actions cause reactions.  Do your actions and the reactions they cause make the world a better place, or are you only worried about yourself?  If you make lots of money by lying, cheating and stealing from others; are you making the world a better place?  If you own the finest things the world has to offer, but you will not help others; are you making the world a better place?  If you work really hard, but at the end of the day you cause pain to others; are you making the world a better place?  I do not believe you will be judged by the amount of money or possessions or work you have amassed in your life; I believe you will be judged by how well you helped others and if the world was better off because you were here.

I believe in the truth, I believe that facts support the truth and I believe that we should spread the facts so that people can find the truth for themselves.  Are you a person who helps others find the truth or are you a person who spreads lies for personal gain?  Your life is not about what you do for a living or what you purchase with the money you make; your life is about what you do to help others with the knowledge you have gained.  The closer you can get to the truth and the more people you can lead to the truth; the world is a better place because of you. 

Imagine for a moment, that you spent you whole life following and working for a very charismatic leader who could always find a way to get everyone excited.  Everyone worked very hard for this leader and you we chosen to move up the ranks.  The higher you rose through the ranks and the more you saw, the more you saw people saying one thing and doing another.  They would tell people one thing to get them excited, but you found that they lived a different way with the money they we making.  How would you feel if you had found out the all the money that you were making was based on a lie?  Would you continue to spread the lie?  How would you like it if all your efforts were causing pain to others?

You life is not based on what you own, or what you do for a living or how much money you make.  Your life will be defined by the sum total of your beliefs, your choices and your actions.  Are you a person who leads people to the truth or are you a person who spreads lies and hypocrisy?  If I can only do one thing, it would be to try to get people to find out the truth for themselves.  When my days are over, I hope the world was a better place because I was here.

Punch Drunk Life:

Don’t you want to live the best life you can?  Don’t you want the most for your thoughts and efforts?  The only thing I have found equal about this life is that life will try to beat you up.  Life will try to beat you down.  We are all like boxers, like pugilist.  We have to face life head on and do the best we can.  Life is not fair, so we have to make up our minds that we can win at the game of life and do it fairly.  Don’t give into a Punch Drunk Life.

Boxers, Fighters and Athletes in Contact Sports can suffer from Concussions.  You can see the daze that happens to a fighter before they are knocked out.  If a fighter gets knocked out enough times it can cause permanent brain damage.  This is not a pretty sight, to see a once strong and proud champion barely able to speak or collect their thoughts.  The punches life throws are not always physical.  Sometimes we do have to endure physical hardships, but most of the time life beats us down with a barrage of bad news.  Gossip spreads like wild-fire; bad news is the first thing that people talk about most of the time.  Don’t be like most people most of the time.  Fight back by spreading good news.

Life can beat you down if you let it.  You must keep hitting back.  Don’t fight fire with fire.  Don’t combat bad news with bad news, spread good news.  The more you accept bad news, the more you surround yourself with people who spread gossip, the more your chances of getting punch drunk by life.  Spread good news, spread facts and become drunk on the new wine of the spirit.  Now I am not saying get drunk on alcohol or get high on drugs.  I am saying get high on life.

Life is a boxing match and a chess match all rolled into one.  Do not let bad news beat you up.  Beat down bad news by spreading good news and facts and search for the truth.  Again, don’t get punch drunk by life, get fired up in the spirit and fight back.  Good boxers know when to defend, to block and dodge getting hit.  Be like that with bad news.  If someone is gossiping, check the facts.  If someone is spreading bad news, counter punch with good news.  If someone brings a problem, help them find a solution.

You see fighters do not wait around to get knocked out.  They train themselves to know when to attack and when to defend.  Listen, you have your whole life to figure this out; don’t’ wait until you have been knocked out by life one time too many.  Pick and choose your battles wisely and know it is better to avoid a fight than to get knocked out one more time.  Work your way up from the small battles to the big battles.  Pick a sparring partner and practice.  Challenge your self and your circle of friends to find facts, spread good news, make plans and find answers.  You will find out that life is better when you find common ground and common direction.

Play to win at life by putting out the fires of gossip, lies and bad news; with facts, truth and good news.  Fire can not fight water.  Fire can not spread without oxygen.  Stop letting bad news beat you down, plant seeds of good news and hope everywhere you go.  Do not live a punch drunk life.  Get drunk in the spirit of good news.

Spring 2013 – Top Ten Motivational Mojo Posts:

Thank you for another Season of 60 Seconds Of Motivational Mojo.  Sometimes it is good to look back and see which posts are connecting:  Here is my countdown to the Ten Most Found Motivational Mojo Posts of the Spring of 2013:

Number 10: If no one has called you crazy, you are not trying hard enough.

This post may be the story of my life summed up.  But I believe if you are chasing your dreams; someone, somewhere may call you crazy.  Don’t let that stop you!


Number 9:  We are all different.

So let’s celebrate our diversity.  If we were all the same, this world would be a boring place.  If you are not hurting other people, live your life and chase your dreams!


Number 8:  Maximum Awesomeness!

Do you have what it takes to be awesome?  Let me help you find your way to Maximum Awesomeness.


Number 7:  Runners Log – June 14th 2012

Life is full of surprises.  This one surprises me.  Hey it continues to connect with the people out there who are trying to get their Motivational Mojo On!


Number 6:  The Five E-s of Leadership:

I am trying to become a better Leader in many areas of my life.  I am happen this post has is in the Top Ten.  This is what I believe a Leader should strive to do.


Number 5:  The Selfless Leader:

Two Leadership Posts back to back.  Maybe one day I will write a book on Leadership.  Until then I am trying to Right My Ship on being a Leader.


Number 4:  Why Teamwork sometimes doesn’t work.

We all have been lead to believe that teamwork is the “Be All” answer.  So why does teamwork sometimes not work?  I try to answer that question.


Number 3:  Maximum Muscle Madness

This post was a fun post that really took on a life of it own.  Maybe one day I will also be a fitness guru.  This is my Superstar Muscle Up Workout Plan.


Number 2:  Life is like a rollercoaster. The question is which hill do we tackle first?

This is one of my favorite posts.  I am going to trademark the phrase Proactive Slacker, so no one out there should try to steal it from me.  This may be expanded into the first book of that series.  In all seriousness, it is the reasons we should tackle the big hills first.


Number 1:  Standing up for what you believe in is the right thing to do.

This post is a surprise number one for me.  I think people should stand up for what they believe in, and it seems a lot of people agree.  Don’t let people tell you what you should be doing, if they are not standing up for what they believe.


There you have it.  The Top Ten Found 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo Posts for the Spring of 2013.  I will stay at it.  I hope you will stay tuned for more.