Tag Archives: Results

Find your own path:

Find your own path:

‘If you do what everyone else does, you should expect the same results that everyone else get.  Do you want to be like everyone else, or do you want to be the best you that you can be?  Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo.  I hope today’s post finds you well, and I hope that what I am thinking lines up with the what you take from what you are reading.

Not all of us have the same dreams.  Not all of us have the same goals.  Not all of us have the same moral compass.  So each of us have to find our direction and each of us have to define what we will and won’t do to reach of goals.  Find your own path.  Each of us has to find our own path.

There is a thought that the road less travelled leads to the greater rewards.  I cannot promise what you will find at the end of your journey, I can only hope you will find yourself along the way.  At the end of the day, all the advice in the world is only as good as the advice you follow.  Each of us will hear a different collection of advice.  Each of us will follow some and either forget or reject other pieces of advice.  Each of us will accept a different collection of advice based on where we are in life and what we are exposed to along the way.  Each of us has to figure it out for ourselves.  Each of us has to find our own path.  Find your own path.

I know lots of people who travel for work.  Some like to drive, some like to fly.  All that matters is that each of us gets to where we need to go safely with enough time to get our work done.  Even once people get to where they are going, some like to stay at one hotel chain, some like to stay at another.  Some of us are heading east, some of us are heading west, some like to drive, some like to fly, some stay at Hotel A and some stay at Hotel B; each of us has to find our own path.  Find your own path.

So as Leaders it is good to put in place a system where people have choices but can still work together to reach common goals.  When people’s goals and morals align, when people have common direction there is a greater chance of success.  There is a greater chance of good things happening.  I hope we are all searching for a greater good.  I hope we are all looking for higher ground.  At the end of the day, each of us has to find our own path.  Find your own path.

As a Leader it is important to transfer a vision to those who choose to travel with you.  As a Leader it important to choose a path that benefits the most and harms the least.  This is what I believe.  As a Leader it is important to help others work together to reach common goals.  Not everyone will bring the same set of talents to the table.  Not everyone will bring the same skill set and the same level of commitment.  Each of us will start and end in different places.  Each of us will take a different path just to get to a place where we can work together.  Each of us has to find our own path.  Find your own path.

I cannot promise what you will find but I do hope you can find yourself.  I hope that you can find your purpose and apply your talents.  I hope this message finds you well.  I hope that you will find your own path.

Refresh your connections.

Sometimes after a while, I notice my links from my WordPress Blog to Facebook or LinkedIn or Google are broken.  Sometimes I receive a notice to repair my connections.  Depending on what computer system, operating system and web browser combination I am using at the time, this can be an easy or difficult process. So without getting overly technically “cyberiffic” let me say that is a good practice to refresh our connections.  So today’s topic is refresh your connections.

“Cyberiffic” is a new term I have coined a hybrid of terrific performance in cyberspace.  Now we can move on.  Refresh your connections.  This is more than just linking one webpage to another webpage.  This is a challenge to actually try to connect with people.  Instead of a mass spam hello, why not a personal message for each of your links?  Instead of a text message, why not a telephone call?  Instead of an e-mail, why not a postcard?  Instead of a Web chat or video conference, why not a face-to-face sit-down over lunch or coffee?

Refresh your connections.  I am going to challenge myself to volunteer at different community service organizations once a month and invite as many people as possible to join me.  I am going to try to connect with people once a month for sit down conversations, workshops and public speaking events.  I am going to try to film them and share them with as many people as possible.  I want to make real connections with real people and share these connections with the world.

Refresh your connections.  You can do this also, you can invite people to do more than just show off, promote a party or be a voyeur into other people’s lives.  You too can use social media to create real world results.  That is kind of the point of 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo and the Point of Light Network.  Creating real world results, all you have to do is refresh your connections.  Take an extra minute to make a personal connection instead of a mass spam induced grab for attention.

Repair your connections.  You may have to take a minute to get back in touch with someone and rehash something where you could not find agreement.  You may have to let time heal an old wound.  In the past I have held grudges and hurt people.  Am I sorry, yes I truly am; but we need to find a way to keep moving forward.  Sometimes you have to realize there are some things you can fix and some things you can’t and keep moving forward.  It is not about holding each other back, it is about not blocking someone from finding their own way if they do not want to go your way.  Am I good at repairing connections?  No, but I can try.  Am I good at refreshing connections, maybe and that is even easier.  They both start the same way, reaching out with a simple hello.  If you have wronged someone, say you are sorry and admit what you have done.  If you can work it out, work it out.  If you can not agree, then it is better to leave it alone than to keep stirring the pot.

Refresh your connections.  Try to make a real personal connection.  Take an extra minute and let people know how they are special in your life and tell them about their unique gift or talent.  If you are going to be friends, be friends who look out for and appreciate each other.  This is more than just who has the most links, it is about who can make quality connections.

Again, I am going to invite people to come along with my a couple of times a month to volunteer and to have some face to face conversations.  You can do it also, or you can do your own thing your own way.  Just find a way to refresh your connections!

Fear, Excuses, Faith and Results:

Fear and Excuses go hand in hand.  So do Faith and Results.  If you have “No Fear” then you will have “No Excuses” if you fail to reach your goals.  If you have “No Faith” more than likely you will see “No Results.”  Now remember, I am here to encourage you.  I am here to motivate you.  Give me sixty seconds and see if you agree with me or not.  No Fear – No Excuses!  No Faith – No Results!

Most of us are held back by our fear.  You may or may not be ready to believe this, but it is true.  Again, I challenge people to find out the truth for themselves.  Don’t take my word for it.  Do a little background research if you do not believe me.  This post will still be here when you get back.  Having “No Fear” is more than just a catch phrase on a shirt; this is a challenge for all of us to face our fear. If you truly have “No Fear” then you will not make excuses when you fall short of your goals.

Again if you have “No Fear” then you can’t run around making excuses.  The beauty of any underdog story is not if the “Underdog” had “No Fear” but that the underdog stood up and won against all odds.  You do not have to be “Fearless” to act.  Many a success story acted in spite of their fear.  If you can face your fears, than you will not make excuses if you fall short or fail to reach your goal.  You will know that you did your best, you will learn from your mistakes and you will come back bigger, better, faster or stronger next time.  You will embrace the fear and not let it hold you back. No I am not talking about being fool hardy.  I am talking about facing your fear!  It starts when you stop making excuses.

Listen, Excuses are a cop-out.  Excuses are a smoke screen.  Excuses do not change the outcome; it only keeps you from learning from your mistakes.  The first step in facing your fear is to stop making excuses.  No Fear means No Excuses, No Copping Out, No Finger Pointing; learn from your mistakes and move on!

Now Faith and Results go hand in hand also.  If you have Faith you will expect results.  Even if everyone else thinks you are crazy.  If you have Faith, you will act on it.  If you have Faith you will speak your vision and you will put your money and your effort where your mouth is, as they say.  If you have Faith you will expect Results.  If you are not seeing any results, then maybe you have not really invested you times, your talent or your resources into the right areas.  Faith means you see it first.  Faith means you believe before or even in spite of other people’s belief.  Faith produces results; lack of faith will not produce results.  Have some faith, and then back it up with your words and actions.

“No Fear” leads to “No Excuses” which is a direct result of “Having Faith” and “Expecting Results.”  Now can you see how it all fits together?  No Fear means No Excuses and No Faith means No Results. So now you can plainly see that Fear is the enemy of Faith.  If you have Faith you will find it easier to face your Fears.  If you have Faith you will not make excuses!  If you have Faith you will expect Results.

Now let me say one last time.  I am not talking about flying off and becoming a dare-devil without doing your homework.  Faith takes effort.  Faith takes preparation.  Faith is like a garden, if you have planted and you have watered you should expect a harvest.  If you have done the work, you expect the results.  Fear, Excuses, Faith and Results are all connected.  I won’t take any more of your time!