Tag Archives: Reality

Deal with reality.

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. Give me please just a minute of your time to try to brighten your day. I know that life is not always the way we want it to be. Life is not fair, so we are left to deal with reality. You can do it. I can do it; in the end we have to do it. In the end we have to deal with reality.

Let’s say there are three versions of the life we lead. There is the life we want, the life we believe we can have and the life lead day in and day out. So what drives us? We all have a dream don’t we? More than hitting the lottery, if you could write you own life story, what would you write? The live you wish you had is what motivates you to chase your dreams. The life you believe you can have is where you think you will more than likely end up. Then there is the reality of your day to day life. The closer you can get those three visions to line up, the happier you will be. That is what I believe.

So, I ask you again. What is your dream life? If you could write it down on paper, what would you write? Now, I ask you this question. Do you think that the life you wish you have is possible? If the answer is yes, you are more than likely doing something every day to get closer to that life. If the answer is no, no you do not believe your dream life is possible; then you are still doing something, you are doing something to get you close to the life you believe you can have. If you truly believe you will hit the lottery you will buy lottery tickets; if you do not believe you will hit the lottery, you won’t buy lottery tickets. It is that simple. In the end you will do the things you believe you can get done, not the things you wish you can get done. Do you see where I am heading? Finding balance between your wishes, your beliefs and your reality are very important.

Why do people give up? Why do people seem to self-destruct?  I believe it is when people feel like they do not deserve anything better or more than what they already have. What they wish for is so far out of sight and what they believe is less than what they can really accomplish. This is a total loss of hope. Again, this is why I believe there is a need for balance in what you are wishing for, what you believe and your reality. Yes it all sounds so simple, and really it is just that simple.

It is easy to want the best in life. Advertisement agencies develop campaigns every day that you deserve the best. It doesn’t matter if it is fast food or luxury cars. You deserve the best. The only question is do you believe it? I am not talking about the angry customer who wants something for nothing. I am talking about the person who is happy with their life and their choices. Are you happy with your choices? Do you believe that you deserve the best? If so, it will be easier for you to deal with your reality.

We all have to deal with reality, but that does not mean we cannot change our reality. If it is possible then it is possible for us to be a part of it. If it is probable, then it is more than likely that we will try, at least once. So there is your possibility which might not happen; your probability, which will more than likely happen and your reality which is happening now. Things change because you apply your energy to change them. Either you change things or things will change you. If you do nothing, than slowly but surely life will pass you by and time will rob you not only of your dreams, but also of the things that you could have had. Time will rob you of your possibilities and your probabilities if you let it.

Now, people can also rob you of your dreams. People can be very negative and take away not only what is possible for you, but also take away what is probable for you. Let’s say you want to be a Singer but you are working at a deli. So maybe you are in line for a promotion at the deli, and maybe there is a tryout for a talent show. Negative people will convince not to try for either. They will tell you that you are dreaming and you need to know your place. Negative people have lost hope of their dream so they do not want to see you reach your dream. So not only will they kill your dream, that talent show tryout; they will kill your promotion at the deli also. You are the one who in the end will have to deal with the reality, either you tried or you let someone else talk you out of trying.

Deal with your reality. Believe in your dreams. Make sure the life you want and the life you believe you can have line up with your reality. Do not let negative people crush your dreams to the point where you no longer want to even try for the life you want. Make sure the life you believe you can have is better than the life you are already living. Bad things happen when you feel like you do not deserve the best in life.

Everything we think we know is based on faith.

Welcome to 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo. Welcome to another blog where I try to convince you to examine how you think and how you reach conclusions. Everything we think we know is based on faith. Everything you think you know is based on faith. Everything that I know is based on faith. The fact that you are reading this means you can read or translate English. So for me to even communicate this to you is based on my and your faith in the English language.

So let’s begin again. I had to learn English, how to speak it, read it and write it. English is the foundation of my learning. I have to put faith in my ability to comprehend in English to be able to continue to learn and possibly learn another language. English is the foundation for my learning. I have to take this on faith that anything I try to communicate is taken with the proper intentions.

So let’s talk about faith, and truth and reality. All of us are seeking something. Some of us, I hope are seeking more knowledge of the truth and reality. Know before we can argue if the truth is realitive or absolute; and if there is one reality or alternate realities we must have a common basis or language to communicate. If we are using the same language we place our faith in that language. If we are using different languages, we are putting our faith in those languages and their translations.

So we put our trust, we place our faith in the language that we speak and our ability to absorb and communicate knowledge. It does not matter if you believe in God, or Logic or Luck or any combination of the three; where you believe and what you believe is where you put your faith! Everything we think we know is based on faith. Everything that I think that I know is based on faith. Everything you think you know is based on faith.

I believe by faith that the truth is absolute. I believe by faith that there is one reality. I believe by faith there is a heaven and a hell. Everything I think I know is based on faith. I put my faith in English, and I put my faith in God and I put my faith in my ability to continue to learn and grow based on these things. Everything we think we know is based on faith!

We can argue this for hours and hours and days and days, but the foundation of our communication will still be based on our faith in our languages, and our ability to translate those languages. Everything that I type and post here can be dragged into a translator and translated into any number of languages in a matter of minutes. I have used this at work to translate Spanish and French to and from English on many occasions. It takes my faith in those languages and the common messages to get my work done. So I can work with people regardless of local customs and national beliefs, based on my faith in the information systems that are in place to make our lives easier. My ability to grow in my professional and personal life is based on faith. Everything I learn and everything I try to communicate, takes faith.

Wasn’t that easy to understand? Even if you don’t believe like I believe, we have a common faith in the Internet, English and any language that this can be translated into as the foundation of this post being read. Regardless if we agree, each of us has faith in something. Each of us believes in something. Everything we think we know is based on faith!

Perception versus Reality:

Perception is not Reality. I have heard many Leaders say that Perception is Reality and I understand why they say it. But a Leader cannot afford to teach something that is not true and then fall victim to their own false teachings. So here at 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo, I am forced to take that other view. I am here to shake up the status quo. Let me state it again. I understand why some Leaders say Perception is Reality, but I am here to say that Perception is False Reality. Stick around and let me explain.

Perception versus Reality:

Perception is what people think they see. It is how something appears to be even if they are not quite what they appear. Perception can be based on someone’s mood, state of mind, and prejudgment. Reality is Reality. Let’s use a Movie as an example. If you do not know a Movie was made that appeared to be a News Report; you may perceive the Movie to be true. Now imagine someone replaced your window with a Movie Screen that looked so real that you thought you were looking out a window. From your perspective, it would appear to be true until you tried to open the window and found out it was a movie screen. Reality is real, perception is a false reality. Perceptions can change, reality does not change. This is a very simple example, I know; but this is why a Leader should always challenge people to find out the reality and not make decisions based on perception.

Perception versus Reality:

Are you familiar with the term “Keeping up Appearances?” Have you know people who are really nice to you depending on who is around, and then will not give you the time of day when it is just you and them one on one? Have you ever know someone who makes it look like they are working very hard when the boss is around, but is the first one to slack off when the boss is not around? Have you ever seen some work really hard and then others take credit for their ideas? Every office and factory has the stories. Gossip, rumors and appearances are all based on Perception. Shouldn’t a Leader want to know the truth or should they play into the hands of those who are feeding their Perceptions? Have you ever been burned by the buddy system?

Perception versus Reality:

Why do we call it “Reality Television” when it should be called “Perception Television?” Let me ask you a question, “Do people behave the same when they see they are on camera?” The answer is no, some people pose for the camera and some people run from it. Some people crave attention and some people hide from attention. So imagine if you went to the mall and had two or three security guards, two cameramen, a lighting crew and a boom microphone following you around everywhere you went. To the people at the shopping mall, you would appear to be famous, even if you are not; even if it was all staged. So how much have you heard about “Perception Television” being Reality? Are you trying to “Survive” or “Keep Up?”

Perception versus Reality:

The reason a Leader should not say “Perception is Reality” is because this allows people to appear to do one thing while they really intend to do something else. A Leader should say “Live the Reality” or “Be the Reality” or “Make Reality the Perception.” I say this because we should all be striving to do our best and our best effort is what should show through. People need to find out the facts before passing judgment on any circumstance or performance. A True Leader should understand this; Perception can be based on Lies, while Reality is based on the Truth. Seek the truth and find the facts to learn the reality of any situation. Make Reality the Perception!

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal:

I am sure you have heard it said Pray for the Best and Prepare for the Worst.  Maybe you have, maybe you have not, maybe you can run a search and find out for yourself.  So trust me, I think you should pray for the best and prepare for the worst so you are covered either way things may go in your life.  Take every day as a gift and live your life to the fullest.  So I have taken this one step further.  I have come up with a very simple philosophy for work and for life.  3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

Pray for the best.  Prepare for the worst.  Plan for both.  Deal with reality.  Simple to remember, effective if put into use.  Dangerous if ignored.  It is a simple wisdom and a simple truth for me.  Yes I will break it down for you, that is the 60 Seconds of Motivational Mojo way.  Whenever you are planning an event or anticipating an outcome, pray for the best but prepare for the worst; that way if things go all wrong you can minimize your risk or losses.  Now let it be said, I do believe in the power of pray, so call me a realistic optimist.  Pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

Now if you are going to pray and you are going to prepare, I think it is fairly obvious you should have a plan.  You should plan for both outcomes.  What are the best and worst things that can happen at each step of your plan and be ready for either outcome.  Some people call it contingency planning.  I call it proper planning. Let’s play a little game.  Let’s say you are going to play the lottery.  Most people plan for winning the lottery, but most people do not have a good plan.  So if you win, what is your plan; and if you don’t win, what is your plan?  Now I know that example is overly simple.

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

Let’s break down a little more complicated, but still a very simple series of events that should be easy to understand; let’s look at the best and worst things that can happen on your way to work every day.  Let’s say your standard drive to work every day is 30 minutes.  If you like to be on time every day you would imagine that you need to leave thirty minutes before you need to report to work.   Now the best thing that can happen is that traffic is light and you get to work early.  What is the worst thing that can happen, well what if your car will not start?  Can you call a cab or get a ride from someone else or call in and take a day off?  What if you are out of flex days and vacation days?  Should give yourself and hour to get to work instead of thirty minutes so you have a time buffer if things go wrong?  What happens if run into bad weather or an accident, do you have a cell phone and a number to call so that you will not be in trouble before you get to work?  See normally we take something like going to work for granted; we do it so often it is rarely a problem. Still it does no hurt to pray for the best so that everything goes well on your commute, but prepare for the worst and check the traffic and weather and leave early most days.  We pray for the best, prepare for the worst and plan for both.

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

So we pray for the best and prepare for the worst and plan for both.  So let’s face it, we really just deal with reality and adjust.  We do this so often that we don’t even notice that is what we do.  Some people have to be to work on time, every day to punch and punch out.  Now most of the time, we are given a certain amount of emergency time at work to deal with the things that seem to pop up out of the blue.  This seems to work out a lot better if we are in good graces with our supervision and management at work.  If we are known for showing up early and staying late, if something comes up out of the blue, our Managers are more likely to understand.  Remember this when you are planning things.  You can only plan for so many different things to go right or go wrong.  Most people do not believe that everything will go wrong, but for whatever reason, we believe we are going to hit that lucky lottery.  So let’s say you it the lottery, you may think that everything will be great; but more than likely a lot of your family and friends will expect you to share the wealth.  Can you really plan for all of those possible outcomes?  No, in reality you will deal with reality.  You will deal with the fact that you more than likely will not win the lottery, and if you do win; it will more than likely be a smaller prize, enough to pay a bill or go out to dinner or many take a mini-vacation.

3P and D or Pray, Prepare, Plan and Deal.

More than likely you will just deal with reality, so why worry about planning?  Well look back through this post; pray for the best, prepare for the worst, plan for both and deal with reality.  Most of us will plan out how we are going to get to work every day.  We will try to get there early, stay a little late and if something comes up we will have a little bit of a buffer to work within.  Most of us will deal with the emergency when it happens.  We will deal with the reality.  So all in all, it is good to plan.  It is good to pray for things to go well and appreciate the little things along the way.  All those little things will add up to big things which will give us more of a cushion when things go wrong.  It is usually pretty rare that everything goes wrong if we plan things out in advance.  So reality is easier to deal with if you have a plan in place.

3P and D or Pray for the best, Prepare for the worst, Plan for both and Deal with reality!

I am thankful everyday.

Everyday day is another chance.  I am thankful for that chance.  I am not just thankful on Thanksgiving, I am thankful everyday.  Everyday is a new day.  Everyday brings new chances to learn and grow.

Maybe I am just like a kid chasing their dream.  I am thankful I am free to post on a free blog and can freely spread my thoughts.  I know my freedom is not free and I am thankful for those who paid the price so I can chase my dreams.  I am thankful everyday.

Everyday is a new day and a new chance.  Every sunrise brings a new day, a new turn in the batter’s box of life.  It is like I am a baseball player, and everyday new day is a new turn at bat.  Everyday is another chance to hit a home run, or at least put the ball in play and have a chance to run the bases.  But life is like baseball, if I want to hit the ball I have to swing the bat.  Everyday is another chance at swinging the bat and I am thankful for that chance.

Even when I am in a bad mood, I am thankful that tomorrow is another day.  Maybe I strike out today.  Maybe I hit the ball and get thrown out before I get to first base.  Maybe I make it to first base, but I don’t make it home.  Maybe I did not score the winning run today, but there is always tomorrow and I am thankful for that tomorrow.  Tomorrow is another chance, just like today is another chance; and I am thankful for the chance.  I am thankful for today.

I am thankful that I am free and I have a chance.  Even though some people are not free and some people think they are trapped, I am thankful for the chance to try to get people to chase their dreams regardless of their circumstance.  Where ever you are, if you can read this; you have a chance.  You have a chance to dream and you have a chance to make that dream a reality.  Many, many great leaders have risen from extreme conditions to change not only their lives, but the lives of millions.  So I am thankful that I can at the very least type these words and tell people there is always hope.  There is always hope of a brighter day, and a brighter tomorrow; but we have to strive to make those dreams a reality.

Everyday is another chance to make your dreams a reality.  You have to reach for your dreams.  I have to reach for my dreams.  I am thankful the God gave me dreams and another day to chase those dreams.  I am thankful that God has given me another chance to make my dreams a reality.  I am not just thankful on Thanksgiving, I am thankful everyday.

Thank you for your time.

Clowns with out makeup, a Circus without a Big Top:

What are we watching?  Alternate Reality Television:  Clowns without makeup, a Circus without a Big Top; there is nothing real about Reality Television.  Why do watch these shows for anything more than a diversion?  Was Andy Warhol right?  Yes, he was.  Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and people will present an alternate reality to get their fame no matter how fleeting or how silly they have to act.

Talk Shows, Judges Shows, Odd Job Shows and the never-ending parade of people packed into a house shows.  How real can they be?  We watch these shows because they are the least of us, and it makes us feel better about ourselves?  We would never go on a Talk show based on “Who Cheated with the Best Friend of their Spouse.”  We would never go on the “Who is the Father of My Child Show?”  We would never go on the “I stood by and watched while so and so did what?” show.  But we watch, and we talk about how crazy the people are, and then we feel better about ourselves.  We say that anything we are doing is not as bad as that!?!  Most of these shows are about crowd reaction to the chaos on the stage.  All with cameras rolling; would you go on National Television to air your dirty Laundry?  15 Minutes of Fame.

Why not challenge each other to become better at something, anything.  No we like that escape.  That peak into a world of the people who do not deserve to be there.  Famous for Nothing, or Famous People are no better than Us.  Clowns without makeup, a Circus without a Big Top!  My roommate won’t pay their rent; don’t just sue them, sue them on television.  I got a crazy odd job, make more in one episode than you would make all year; and call it reality?

Every since we were kids we acted different when someone had a camera.  Some people shy away, some people wave, and some people pose.  Some people will do anything to get the camera pointed their way.  Why not put it on Television?  Why write, direct and produce a show, and have to pay a bunch of people; when you can just let the cameras roll?  Clowns without makeup:

I often wonder why they call it Reality Television.  The Reality of Reality TV is that it is staged, and the staging of the shows alters the environment. This Altered Reality is then passed of as Real, making people noteworthy if not famous for acting like idiots.  You can take Six People you meet randomly at the mall.  Surround them with security, turn on the lights, point a few cameras at them, and they will look like stars to everyone around them.  A Circus without a Big Top:

It is classical conditioning at it’s finest.  If I get paid to sing, and I need or want more money, I will sing for more money.  If I get paid to act, I will act for more money.  If I get paid to play baseball, football, basketball… you get my point.  So what happens when you pay someone to act like an idiot, what happens when you pay someone to be a Clown with no makeup?

People on these shows will react to this alternate reality by acting like stars.  If you make someone a star for doing nothing more than getting people’s attention, they will continue to act in ways that get people’s attention.  They will be loud, obnoxious, rude, drunk and disorderly and they will get rich doing it.  And the more they get paid for acting like idiots, the more we will watch, meaning the more they get paid.  Lovely isn’t it?  How does this make us feel better about our selves? Because we can look in the mirror and say, I am not as bad as the idiot on TV.

And you wonder why I say you are better off getting a bunch of people to go clean a park.  Art imitates life, and life imitates art.  Sooner or later, if we are not careful, we will begin to be influenced by the people on these shows.  We will dress like them and act like them and they will endorse products and if we are not careful; we will buy them because a Clown with No Makeup told us we should?  How can a part-time DJ go from making twenty thousand dollars a year to making twenty thousand dollars a night?  Find out the truth for yourself.

I have a reoccurring nightmare.

I have a reoccurring nightmare.

 Oh I have plenty of dreams, but I also have a nightmare I just can’t shake.  I sometimes dream I am back in college and I can’t find my classroom.  I then wake up thinking I never really graduated.  I spent more than enough time skipping class in college, so I guess I understand the source of the nightmare.  I am not bragging either; I can’t change the past, so why run away from it? 

I take the nightmare as a warning that I need to get ready for something.  I need to prepare.  That maybe something is coming up that will challenge me.  I don’t think it needs to be over psychoanalyzed.  I did not leave anything in college.  I am crazy enough to believe all my dreams are still in play.

 I just am wondering if people out there have the same nightmare.  Back in college and can’t find your class, or the other classic; back in High School and forgot your locker combination.  There are a bunch of them I never have.  I never have the “I forgot to dress myself before going to work or school” dream.  I never have the “I forgot my lines in the school play” dream.  I guess I never worry about those things.

Nah, my nightmare isn’t much of a nightmare, maybe more of a warning.  Stop skipping class, if I go back to college.  Really, I am supposed to keep getting better at the things I do, and make sure I show up.  Make sure I stay engaged and don’t skip out on the things I need to get done.  Everyday is a class in the college of life.  Everyday is like a pop quiz or a test.  We pass or fail based on our preparation, our efforts and our reactions.

 So I will take these subconscious warnings in stride as a reminder to keep striving to get better.  I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am back in college and I can not find my class, but it is not enough to scare away my dreams!

Learning to be a leader is not an easy task!

Learning to be a leader is not an easy task, but it is always worth while.

Don’t let training to be a leader scare you, it is always, always, always worth it. It is ok to start small but you have to start. And it is better to try and fail then to not try at all. If you try and fail you can learn from your mistakes. If you never try, you have nothing to learn from. This is another reason it is ok to start small, the mistakes you make early on can be fixed.

It’s ok to try and fail and learn and try again. It is a lot better than trying and failing and quitting. Another reason it is ok to start small is you can make adjustments and continue to learn. Every shot not taking misses, and every shot you take that misses is a chance to adjust. Practice, Practice, Practice. Great Players, just show up and play. Winners, Practice, Practice, Practice and Champions lead by example in practice and when it counts. Champions make everyone around them better! Champions are Leaders!

So when learning to lead, always see the long off goal, and break it down to short term goals and practice, practice. Start small and develop the correct habits, make the correct adjustments, until the best practices turn into the correct habits and just seem to come naturally. Work hard until it comes easy. When it comes easy, keep at it until you can do it in your sleep; make people say you make it look easy!

Learning to be a leader is not an easy task, but it is always worth while.

Be a difference maker. Be a dreamer and always check the facts, double check the facts. Be relentless in your search for truth. Chase perfection with every breath, every once of sweat, every drop of blood. Yeah it sounds crazy, but I say staying the same is crazy. Why not be the one who makes things better?

I have screwed up more times than I can count, but I can not and will not let the dream die. Even if I never get there, I hope the next person does get there. So I can never stop learning and trying to get better. I wish I could go back and fix all my mistakes, but I can’t… I have to try to pay it forward, and be better than I was in the past. I am trying to learn how to be a leader, be a difference maker, and along the way I hope I can inspire as many people as possible to do the same thing.

Maybe I got is all wrong, maybe I am lost in the wilderness, but I think I am right. I am trying to keep chasing my dreams, and dream bigger than my reality. I am searching for the win / win on all sides. I am learning, teaching, allowing my self to be coached and mentored, and trying to be a coach and a mentor.

Learning to be a leader is not an easy task, but I am fully convinced it is always worthwhile.